Imp Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


Imps are fiends, tiny devils who can change Shape, and often slip into our world from more hellish realms from the use of dark magic, slipping through in cracks made, and disappearing into the world. They speak infernal, but can speak broken common as well. Imps often are only concerned with there own survival, but can sometimes be pressed into the service of others, often through torture.
Little is known about the lives of Imps, but we do know they are carnivours and often cowards as well. Bites, scratchs and stings from a Imp often leaves poison on the wound indicating that they are poisionous.
When a Imp dies, it turns to brimstone ash, and fades away rapidly, makes understanding these creatures any deeper much more difficult, also the cowardice and shapeshifting nature of Imps gives few opportunities to observe them as well.


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