Gruumsh, God of Storms and War Character in Eldridth | World Anvil

Gruumsh, God of Storms and War

Gruumsh, God of Storms and War

Master of Orcs
The Furious Wrath


Tempest and War


Luthic, Ilneval Bahgtru
Yurtrus and Shargass


Wrathful and Strong. Unyielding like a thunderstorm. As destructive as a cyclone. Gruumsh, was a grand warrior even under the Old Ones. During the period of the rule of the Old Ones, Gruumsh watched with disdane as Corellion flightly explored the multiverse, never leaving a mark upon. Gruumsh hated the joy he saw in Corellion, and plotted to extengish it. It was in the combat with Corellion, that Gruumsh was left scarred, and bloodied. He had even lost an eye in the fight.

Eventually he was approached when Petharion and Agethis approached him to help over throw the Old Ones. He joined in on the fight, only to test his mettle against these greater beings, for he had no care for Pentharions petty rebellion. Following the War, Gruumsh was unwilling to yield to a new pantheon, and so Pentharion cast Gruumsh into Acheron, where he could exisit in the contentment of battle for all of time against Aegis, who delighted to have a true opponent to fight. Since then, Gruumsh and his wife, Luthic, who can roam a bit freer then her husband, together formed the Orcs from clay into his image before his battle, and does endless war against Aegis, and Maglubiyet in the fields of endless battle in Acheron.

Not all the Orcs were as decent in combat, Gruumsh was frustrated with some of the subpar Orcs, and so cast them into the mortal worlds, and commanded his and Luthics Children to harden them, so they could be prove worthy to join his army.


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