Fairies Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


Fairies are wondrous creatures of almost pure fea magic. They love nature, and joy, but can be heavily effected by the environment around them. They can be about 1 ft tall, and often appear in a humanoid form. There are several types of fairies that have evolved from the original beings that were known as Sylvans. Sylvans, were born directly from Fae magic, and from them Fairies were born. Sylvans combined into the spirits of beings in the Feywild, and this is how many of the magical creatures of the Fae became their magical selves, with such strong ties to the Fae magics.
Your standard Fairy is happy and joyous, and unlikely to become violent. Their Sprite cousins are more chaotic, often smaller, and look more like forms of nature, like sticks, bugs, rocks and other objects, and while if they choose, they can very much appear as these objects, but can also just have a vauge resemblence.
The motivation behind Fairies is often hard to know, often what they seek makes little sense to normal logic, and an explination rarely clarifies. Fairies and Sprits often would put fun before duty, and often take on very little responsabilitly because of that.


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