Devils Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


Devils or Baatezu as they are sometimes known, are all about order, and have a strict caste system. Devils can be promoted or demoted from one type to another, and they all gun to become an Archdevil who rules one of the nine layers of Hell.


Hierachy of Devils:

  1. Lemure
  2. Imp
  3. Spined Devil
  4. Bearded Devil
  5. Barbed Devil
  6. Chain Devil
  7. Bone Devil
  8. Horned Devil
  9. Erinyes
  10. Ice Devil
  11. Pit Fiend
  12. Duke or Duchess
  13. Archduke and Archdutchess
  14. Archdevil Lord

The Nine Layers of Hell

#Name of the LayerRuller of the Layer
4PhlegethosBelial and Fierna

  Devils exist in the Plane of Baator, also known as the Nine Hells, a plane in the lower planes, feed from the energy of Negative Energy born from Ao's dream, this realm is orderly and Lawful if not completely evil. Devils were born, when the energy of the creation of the Divine seeped through creation, and pooled last in Hell., if not completely Evil. During the first Era, they were often left alone, and content to sort out there own structures within the 9 Hells. Eventually Each layer of hell was sorted into 9 Different Kingdoms, all ruled over by a powerful supreme Devil, Asmodeus.

  Eventually with the creation of Mortal souls, when the mortal life ended, the soul would need to be sorted into different planes to be prepared to be re-forged for a new life, The Devils proposed a deal with The Celests and The Divine. To prevent Evil mortals from polluting the Celestial Planes, Evil souls could be filtered into the lower planes, where the Devils would show them the error of their ways, and keep the darkness locked away. Asmodeus formed a contract to be signed by all Divine who create Mortals, and bound the power of creating mortals to the signing of this document. Sealed with great power by the Celests, who worried greatly about the potential for darkness from mortal creatures, this Holy Document is extremely long, wordy, and full of loopholes, but eternally binding. The Devils were granted the lower planes, and the souls that Troth (A Celest that took a particular interest in the life, choices, and death of mortal beings) judged Evil.

  It was this Document that spurred the Blood War, as Devils tried to claim the Abyss, and assert claim over the Demonic forces that lived there. While both are evil, Devils are inherently anti Chaos, they seek order, procedure, and live by strict codes, where demons are Chaos incarnate. These forces did not mix, and Demons refused to submit to the Devils. It is believed this was part of Asmodeus's plan, for in the contract, for as long as there is a portion of the lower planes not under his rule, his power is as the Divine within there, and so while his forces ever seek to conquer more of the Lower Planes, this works heavily to his own favor.

  Devils are well known for making deals, often only seeking the soul of an individual, to be claimed upon their death. While often this seems like a decent price to pay, the fate of souls bound to hell, is several life times of torture, and eventually becoming a Devil themselves. It is believed that the plan of Devils is to consume the universe of all mortal souls, bringing true order to all of the multiverse, by exploiting the original Contract, and its many many provisions. Devils are patient, and orderly, but do not mistake this as they are just as cruel as demons when the opportunity is right, and Power is all they care about.

  As of our last understanding of the Nine Layers of hell, and the Archdukes and Archdutchess of them is listed above.
  It is unwise to dig much deeper into to the Lore of Hell, though it is possible for those who wish to learn more. Suffice it to say this author will provide some information of killing them, beyond that, you would be best to leave it be.

  • Devils need oxygen, not much, but they do require some.
  • Devils do not need to eat, it is believed that their sustenance rises from souls tortured in Hell.
  • Devils are not outright harmed by Sunlight, but it does repulse them.
  • Devils despise Holy Water, and it is often useful against them.
  • Devils, while not immune to magic, are often quite adapt at protecting themselves from it.
  • Devils are Immune to both Fire and Poison
  • Resistant to cold damage, and nonmagical weapons that are not silvered.
  • A Devil slain outside of Baator, will reappear in Baator, Devils below a Erinyes will reform as a Lemure over several years, and regain their memories if they become an Imp. Devils at the rank of Erinyes
  • A Devil below a Erinyes slain inside of Baator will be reborn as as a nupperibos, and those Erinyes to Pit Fiend will be reborn as a Horned Devil.
  • Bringing a True Death to a Duke, Archduke or the Archdevil Lord, is a mystery, but many believe that until they violate something within the Primeval Pact, it is truly impossible to slay them. Though killing them outside of hell is said to banish them from any other plane of existence for a period of time.


Deal not with Devils

Their deals are only an offer of permanent Slavery.


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