Aberrations Species in Eldridth | World Anvil


There are other worlds then Eldridth in the Material Plane, and while travel is not easy between those worlds, sometimes it is possible. Not all worlds were cleared of darkness by the Divine when they plunged into the Material Plane following their Revolution with the Dark Celests.

  The Energetic Balance dictates that if the Material plane became to filled with celestial influence, it would rise into the Upper Planes, and so several darker worlds were left to their own devices.



The Aboleths are dark creatures that can survive in any environment. It is said that they were the natural life that began when Material Plane did, and that without the influence of the Divine they ruled much it. They were driven back from many of the worlds they once called home, their slaves and creations torn asunder, and they have will not have forgotten this slight, and so hate the Mortals of the Divine, and seek to purge them from the material Realm. Luckily Eldridth was not once home to them, as it was the Domain of Azar the Fire Lord, but that would not change how a wayward of Aboleth would feel about our populated world. To us Aboleths are horrific monsters, to them, we are the Monsters.

Mind Flayers

An ancient race who served the Aboleths, and still inhabit some worlds. The creatures that exist along side them are horrendous monsters. These beings have Psionic Powers, and consider the use of Arcane Powers subversive, and absolutely abhor Divine Powers. This race of creatures plot the fall of all other mortal life, and a return to a purer time, without Divine Influence on the Material Plane.



an Amphibious fish like humanoid race from a dark world that is mostly water intermittent islands. They seek to control the deep waters of the worlds they end up on. These beings were perhaps some biproduct of a demons joke, or perhaps a distracted Celest's forgotten project. Whatever they are they are often violent, barbaric, and unruly towards other. While they manage to sometimes migrate from world to world with ease, their shorter life span's tend to leave the children of those who came with no knowledge of their previous worlds. In small tribes these creatures, while unsavory to have in society, are often best left alone if they settle far enough away, provided their population does not grow out of control.



An Alien Race believed to originate in the Chaotic Plane of Limbo, though you would not find them there now. Floating orbs, with one large central eye, and several eye stalks, there are many kinds of Beholders, but do not take there appearance lightly, for they are supremely intelligent, and capable of mass destruction. Little is understood yet about Beholders, but from what has been gleamed from otherworldly sources, they are both masters of the Arcane and Science. They hoard knowledge, and wield power.



Nothics are a servant race of the Beholders. Like there masters a large singular eye sits upon a scaled humanoid body with claws and Talons. Its very gaze can erode flesh from bone from an unprepared victim. When not serving a Beholder, Nothics will be drawn to magical places, and often is content to watch, weighing and assessing the creatures it encounters.


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