Cremsteyn Settlement in Ekozia | World Anvil


This village is cursed, I tell you! Do not even think about ever going there, not to live there, not for a day, not even a second. The gods have forsaken this place and everybody living there has given up on the light or is cursed!
  Cremsteyn is a village in the southern part of Caramiza and place of many tragical events. Once almost completely destroyed when most of its people perished in tragical and disturbing circumstances, it is now inhabited by questionable people with dangerous alignments.  

The Downfall

Originally Creymsteyn was a normal village, a bit to the side of most trade routes, it was still known for its fertile fields and a lake with much fish. The markets in the area were well supplied by the village and this made it important enough for shrines to several gods. It also happened that during a certain time, five Divine Soothsayer lived in Creymsteyn.   During the events of the Dark Tearfall over thirty years ago, those soothsayers suddenly started to divine visions for everybody. They proclaimed that those listening to them will be betrayed and slain by their friends and family. The prophecies turned the whole village against each other until they eventually turned to strike each other down, just as the meteors of Zecod's Tear started to strike across the night sky.   As the meteorites struck down in large numbers in and around the village, friends killed friends, people struck their neighbors down and at some point, the violence spiraled completely out of control. Not even children were spared and only a few who fled to the woods survived.  

Aftermath and Rebuilding

  While these actions led to the Divine Soothsayer being outlawed, Crymsteyn remained empty for several years. After a while, a group of people settled there bought the land from the council and started to rebuild the town. However, in the light of the previous events, all shrines were torn down and all priests of any deity were forbidden to enter the village grounds. At the same time the Church of Maned in Bealuki declared the village of Creymsteyn abandoned by the deities.   It is an open secret that Cremysteyn has become a place of gathering for all fanatics following the teachings of the dark god Zecod.


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