Silaqui Serpenthelm Character in Ekaia | World Anvil
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Silaqui Serpenthelm

(a.k.a. Eduenel)

"Either she's orbiting around Beiro, and he around her, like binary stars, clinking wine glasses over the greatest secrets of the universe... or she's hiding in a cave somewhere snickering as we scratch our heads. Honestly, I can't decide which picture seems more believable."
Silaqui Anlugthâl, usually known as Silaqui Serpenthelm, the Common translation of her name, was a scholar, ranger, and cleric of Miranelle, known for her academic exploits and her close association with the Light Brigade.

Early Life

She was raised in the small Thesséliasell village of Ferellia, having been born to a human mother and elven father, the former of whom died giving birth to her, and the latter of whom was distant throughout her childhood. She left as a young adult to quest in northern Beleryn, where she befriended a few hidden gnome communities and began to learn about druidic magic. Her path led her eventually to Ba Sing Se University in Vikada. Though she had little money, she was taken under the wing of Professor Beiro Mylestrath, who accepted her as a student and research assistant. She fled after Beiro's disappearance and the destruction of the university in EL 998. It later became known that both of these tragedies were the work of an assassins' guild called the Maintainers of Accord, and not of Silaqui's own making. Nevertheless, for the next few years she was on the run, and met up with Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex and Zachár Flame-tongue while trying to lie low in Gaulvista.

The Eventide

The newly-formed party went on a few adventures together before traveling to Geldereth at Silaqui's behest, where she learned more about the nature of the stars and the Lady Miranelle.   Shortly after arriving in the city, Silaqui began being targeted by monks of the way of shadow for reasons she did not know at the time, related to these monks' previous contact with the Maintainers of Accord. After the party was attacked viciously and almost defeated by these monks, Silaqui withdrew back to the Miranellic temple in Geldereth, where she hid while the clerics and her friends investigated the reason she was being targeted. During this time she began training as a priestess herself, discovering and nurturing her own clerical power. It was also during this time that she was gifted with the bow Nightrender by her mentor, Xavendar Ilaucian.   At last the clerics discovered that the monks after her were from Heskan Monastery in Vundkrag, and she traveled there with a few companions, Ennio Albertoni and Zashier of Highcrest, to try to learn more. They discovered that the Maintainers of Accord, who had hired the monks to lure Beiro to his death, were plotting the assassination of the Skyfires at the time. They foiled this scheme by destroying the organization utterly and capturing its leader, Ilvaru Vexendus.   After this, Silaqui went on a journey into the Underdark to attempt to gather intelligence on the location of the Phial of Miranelle and recover it from the nightbringers if possible. She was accompanied by Zashier and the bard Anakis the Vapor, the latter of whom was captured and presumably killed. She and Zashier, some months later, were very nearly captured themselves just after learning that the Phial was being hidden in the city of Stellmere, but were saved by a mysterious flurry of stardust which transported them to Geldereth mere days before the Battle of Geldereth.   Silaqui fought in this battle, where a ki-rin appeared to her in the sight of many. She sustained serious injuries, but was healed afterwards, and was noted for having comported herself heroically.

Later Years

After the end of the Eventide, Silaqui immediately began working on establishing a new university just outside of Vikada, over the ruins of Ba Sing Se University. In the meantime, she continued her clerical studies, eventually becoming a full-fledged priestess of Miranelle.   Victorious Light University was established in EL 1012, and Silaqui taught there for the rest of her life, championing the ideals and theories of Beiro Mylestrath, effectively clearing his good name and healing his legacy. She had many notable students, including Ravinia of Betbright, Himden Hammentino, and Vester the Black-eyed. She was fond of solo expeditions, but would often travel with an assortment of students as well. Once, while studying trace amounts of fey influence in Jeltir's Dindry Forest, she vanished from her company without a trace and was presumed dead after days of searching. She returned to the university two weeks later and would not speak of what had happened, saying only that she had learned a great deal. Many theories were and have been formulated by her students and peers on what she experienced during this time.   Between her research expeditions, Silaqui continued periodically adventuring, and remained friends with the other members of the Light Brigade. She also became good friends with another ranger she encountered during her travels, the beast master Lewis Smokehound, whose efforts to protect animal welfare in Saij Desert were supported by Silaqui. She also clashed with several researchers and adventurers over various scholarly theories, the most notable episode being her rivalry with Azzakhelon Shedinn, which was, for a brief time, very public.   Beyond her university, Silaqui is most remembered for her astronomical theories tying the magic of the stars to certain other more accessible types of magic, such as that found in the deep woods and at soaring mountain peaks. She worked to open others' eyes to earthly beauty and the promise of eternity.   Silaqui departed on an expedition at sea in October of 1077 and was not seen again.
Date of Birth
29 April 952
952 EL 1077 EL 125 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Delivered by preeclamptic human mother in a watchtower of Lestila
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Tana of Shisaj (mother) †
PC Information
Level 6 ranger
—Horizon walker
Level 8 cleric
—Light domain
Portrait of Silaqui and her horse Bill which hangs in Mylestrath Library in Victorious Light

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