God Species in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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Time, the most powerful living god. They are seen here in their favored form during the pre-imperial era, that of the extinct halborg species.  


The gods are a species of extremely powerful beings capable of manipulating reality at will through a power known as divinity. While the origin of divinity stems from the personification of universal forces, living creatures can absorb and use divinity as well, which normally leads them being considered a god themself. Gods are the most powerful species in the local multiverse, with only the Super-Aberrant Megafauna being considered close in their levels of intellect and power.   Scientific Name: Divinus vigil

The Twin Gods:

Two people who were formal imperial citizens, the twin gods scavenged part of Universal Rebirth's corpse during the Second Echo of the Cosmos and absorbed a fragment of divinity each, becoming minor gods.  

Fenror, God of Evil:

  The loathed god of evil, Fenror lurks in the outskirts of civilization, taking advantage of ships without an Anti-Divinity Field. He also influences people to form cults to carry out his will. While Fenror was once an imperial citizen, he now claims that the Empire is "outdated" and prevents the people from reaching their full potential. His solution is the destruction of the Empire. Because of this, he has few supporters.  


The accepted goddess of prosperity, Hylax is the only god that is allowed in civilizations. ADFs are specially designed in order to not work against her. Hylax cares for all people, and uses her divine power to better people's lives.   Although the twin gods oppose each other, they still care for each other and refuse to fight the other. This has caused controversy in the past, as people have pushed for Hylax to destroy Fenror.  

The Old Gods:

The fundamental forces of the local multiverse given consciousness, the old gods have watched over the universe since its creations and directly oversaw the birth of civilization on Rocheron. After the conclusion of the Third Divine War, relations between the gods and all life in the universe was cemented as a hostile one.  

Universal Rebirth:

Universal Rebirth is the oldest god, and according to an ancient book documenting a conversation between a scientist and Life, predates the current universe. They are presumed to be the entity that created the Super-Aberrant Megafauna in order to help with their appinted task, destroying and rebirthing the universe every 20 billion years. They were killed by the other old gods billions of years ago in their first crime against the universe, in an attempt to avoid the eventual death of their universe.  


Time is the second oldest god and formed immediately after the universe was born. After the murder of Universal Rebirth they are considered the leader of the gods, although they are believed to still make decisions as a group with the other gods. Time is the self-appointed strategist for the gods, making plans that stretch across space and time. Less is known about them than the other gods, as Time has consistently been recorded as the most reclusive of the old gods and rarely interected with living creatures.  


Light is the third oldest god and formed directly after Time. Light is one of two gods considered to be Time's peer, and is known through ancient records to have held authority over several other gods. Light is the god that normally enacts the god's plans, using their influence over matter and energy to physically put the god's plans into motion.  


Knowledge is the fourth oldest god and formed once Time and Light began to observe the newly formed universe around them. Knowledge is the other peer of Time and Light, and the three of them have historically considered themselves a council that hold power over the other gods. As their name suggests Knowledge accunulates information for the gods to use in their current and future plans. Out of the three most powerful gods Knowledge was the one who interected with people the most, and often invited scholars to learn inside of their Divine Library.  


Life is the fifth oldest god and formed when the first living organisms came into being deep in several planet's primordial oceans. Life and their counterpart and friend Death loved watching the evolution of organic life and encouraged its growth into functional societies. While they were often overuled by the superior three gods, Life is believed to have truly cared about the people of Rocheron and later the other species of the universe. This belief was challenged in the Third Divine War when Life joined the other gods in attacking the ancient empire, but their current stance of civilizations is believed to be non-hostile.  


Death is the sixth oldest god and formed when the first organism in the universe died. Despite their opposite nature to Life, Death and Life were rarely seen apart from each other and worked together to help balance the cycle of life and death. Death was believed to be kind to people, but had little tolerence for people upsetting the natural balance bwteen life and death through means of necromancy and immortality. As of the Third Divien War, Death is believed to currently hold a neutral outlook on civilization.  


Entropy is the seventh oldest god and was created by Life and Death as their "child" in order to help cement the force of entropy into the universe. According to a record from Life, Entropy was initially a very friendly and curious entity that Universal Rebirth took on as an "apprentice" and taught them about the universe. After Universal Rebirth's murder, Entropy became more bitter and detached from the other gods, focusing on their own affairs. Entropy created the Trebian species in an attempt to observe how life drives itself to extinction. While they initially planned to end the trebian species after the First Cataclysm, Entropy changed their mind after the Second Divine War and allied themself with known civilization until the Third Divine War, when the other gods forcefully brought them to their domain.  


Magic is the eight oldest god and formed after the other gods gifted Rocheron a new force called magic. Magic has been recorded helping people develop new technology, but this technology was unstable and dangerous, on purpose.  


War is the ninth oldest god and formed after the Solesta Massacre, a genocide committed during the Cataclysmic War. According to records, War enjoyed mass killings and encouraged all sides of the war to destroy each other.


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