Super-Aberrant Megafauna Species in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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Super-Aberrant Megafauna


Super-Aberrant Megafauna, or more commonly known as Great Old Ones, are immensely powerful beings that were imprisoned in the Far Realm 3.9 billion years ago by the Old Gods. While they once served Universal Rebirth, the gods death has led to the Great Old Ones behaving erratically and dangerously. Despite being the servants of the most powerful god to ever exist, they themselves are not divine in any way, which makes them immune to the effects of the ADF. Apart from the gods, Great Old Ones are the most powerful creatures in the entire universe. While they are considered a large threat, almost no unprovoked attacks on people have been recorded since the Second Cataclysm.    Scientific Name: Antiqua eversor


The origin of the Great Old Ones is shrouded in mystery. Because of their connection to Universal Rebirth many scientists believe that the dead god created the Great Old Ones. Others believe that the god found and recruited these creatures in the early days of the universe. Whatever their origin is, the only ones that truly know it are the Great Old Ones. However, they have made clear that they have no intention of sharing the origin of themselves or Universal Rebirth.


While the Great Old Ones are currently trapped in the far realm, they can create a weaker body in The Universe that they can control like a puppet, through a process known as celestial possession. These bodies are initially grown inside of celestial bodies such as moons and stars, and later grow to either fuse with the celestial body or hatch out of it after hundreds of thousands of years. Small, weaker bodies can be grown in just hundreds of years, but these bodies can easily be destroyed by the imperial military.


Great Old Ones emit a specific type of radio signal from their celestial possession bodies, making identifying their locations trivial as long as they are in the Founder Galaxy, due to the speed of light. Because of this, the locations of several Great Old Ones are known. According to ancient records from the Old Gods, there are at least 16 Great Old Ones in the universe. The locations of 12 of them are known.  

List of all known Great Old Ones:

  -Azathoth    -The Hateful Star   -Cthulhu   -The Restless Mind   -Ceeleasternoth   -Larsalioxnew   -The Face That Grins   -Shudhri   -Ctezh'dhrar   -Aiuegragrelbh   -Yicnaacn'zhilbh   -She-Who Slumbers


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