Trebian Species in Echoes of the Cosmos | World Anvil
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A painting of a primitive trebian.  


The trebians are a naturally arboreal reptilian species native to the jungle planet Borled. They are an artificially created species, having been made by Entropy during the Preimperial era.   Scientific Name: Ethologus novus


The reptilian trebians are usually 5-6 feet tall, with a naturally slender build. Their bodies are covered with scales naturally ranging from brown to green. These scales can change their color to give trebians the ability to camoflauge themselves against different backgrounds. A trebian's head has two massive eyes that can move independently of each other to capture a very wide field of view.   A trebian's hands and feet are nearly identical, both being able to grip and manipulate objects. Trebians are bipedal, but can comfortably walk on all four limbs. Climbing surfaces both smooth and rough are possible and even easy with the use of their highly adapted limbs.  


All trebians are omnivores, usually eating large invertebrates, small mammals, and various plant matter.   Trebians are normally solitary, and only live with a mate during mating season. However, galactic culture has had an impact on the trebian race, leading to many trebians abandoning their solitary lifestyles and living among other species.   Trebians are found all over the Empire, either in small groups or in large crowds. They can occasionally be found in the United Federation of Humanity.   META: Playing a Trebian: As a person with free will, your character can act and think in any way you want them to. If you want them to follow the norm for a trebian, take the following into consideration:   -   -   -


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