Ongoing Plots Summary in East Marches | World Anvil

Ongoing Plots Summary

Listed below are all the ongoing and unresolved plots. Players are encouraged to get in touch with the respective DMs out of character for more information, or the point(s) of contact provided while in character.

Fuel and Fire
The Blood War has found it’s way to Dis. Specifically, Scabrous Scrotus, Lord of the Plains of Silence has torn open a rift in the planes between his layer of the Abyss, and the layer of Dis. This isn’t a very good thing for Dis, as not only does it put the Iron City under threat, but it has destabilised the magic protecting the city and revealed it’s exact location in the Second Layer of Hell. Scrotus has since called his demonkin to battle and assault the city of Dis, which has responded in kind. Zirze, The Shadow Crawler, a fiendish spy, has been tasked by Dispater to assist in the matter, and Zirze has personally reached out to Oko - requiring assistance in battle along the wasteland plains and mazelike city, and as a spanner in the works of the complicated politicing between the Devils and Demons involved.   Point of Contact: Oko, Zirze the Shadow Crawler (NPC)
DM to Contact: Aya     Jackal
An independent mercenary contractor in town; they have a vast network of clients, informants, scouts and other adventurer types. Adventurers of Vareholm can contact Jackal to request a job from their pile of work, or if they're after a specific item - Jackal can usually point them in the right direction.   Point of Contact: Jackal (NPC)
DM to Contact: Aya     Tal'krokk the Smashiest and the Ogre Fight Pit
Just outside of Hrodrheim sits a large community of ogres and goblins allied to Vareholm. Their large arena/fight pit draws spectators and challengers from all around, and Tal'krokk is always happy to accommodate a match for any adventurers seeking to test their mettle. If a competitor wants to fight a specific combatant or creature, the ogres can usually find a way to make that work in their Big Fightin' Pit.   Point of Contact: Tal'krokk the Smashiest (NPC), Zurd Mountainthunder (NPC)
DM to Contact: Aya     Voidheart
Harold has acquired a fragment of the heart of Volktollenh, a powerful Void Dragon, known as Tthe Voidheart. This Voidheart has a field of stars within, with each colourful star representing a specific dragon in the world, and the heart acting as a sort of compass to these dragons. When one of these dragons dies near the Voidheart, a part of it's soul or essence is consumed within the Heart. Harold believes this Voidheart and it's abilities are the key to uncovering more about his Prismatic Dragon ancestry, and seeks to solve the puzzle it provides. Unfortunately it seems that the now weakened Volktollenh is also tracking these dragons and using them for his own gain.   Point of Contact: Harold
DM to Contact: Aya     Bucket List
The favored weapon of the Nameless Paladin is, in fact, quite sentient and contains the soul of the long-dead privateer captain Rhodes. With his business in the mortal world done, he's requested a final send-off before he makes the choice of whether to stay in the mortal realm or move on to the afterlife.   Point of Contact: Nameless Paladin
DM to Contact: Haven     City of the Fallen
Following the crash of the Library of the Four Winds into the mountains east of Vareholm, the self appointed dragon caretaker of the city has resolved to enlist the aid of Vareholm adventurers in rebuilding the city. Keep a weather eye out for airships riding on tides of fire, adventure, coin, and artifacts await those who take up the call.   Point of Contact: Open to Any
DM to Contact: Haven     Forces of Nature
Here and there across the lands of Idriell, dangerous demi-gods known as Primals are seeking to amass followers by any means necessary. There are at least five such spirits, and it seems that as long as they have worshipers they can manifest anew after death. Each seems to be associated with a different element of nature.   Point of Contact: Open to Any
DM to Contact: Haven     The Realm of the Underking
This vast natural cavern of the Upperdark once housed a Duergar kingdom, but now lies fallow and mostly forgotten. The region is rich with exotic flora and fauna, magic, and the lingering remnants of an era long past, all prime for exploration.   Point of Contact: Tabith (NPC), Kleinrich (NPC), and Nameless Paladin
DM to Contact: Haven     Allomancy
A small townstead set up a boat ride away from Vareholm is led by one Ilenda Selkier, who is working to unlock the secrets of a new magic called Allomancy.   Point of Contact:
DM to Contact: Kingbladd  
Keeper of Secrets
A gaggle of Vareholm adventurers ran afoul of a powerful fiendish queen, and she has not hesitated to aim her ire at the residents of Vareholm as retribution. Blue flame seems to mark her coming.   Point of Contact: Less, Joana, Gerard, Vazcarius, and Yuki
DM to Contact: Kingbladd     Mad Magic
A massive dungeon network resides at the base of a sinkhole near Vareholm. Extravagant treasures can be extracted by those who enter, but it also sends out threatening enemies who harm the locals.   Point of Contact:
DM to Contact: Kingbladd     Energy Collection
A half elf woman by the name of Samaritha Beldush has been coming to Vareholm to hire adventurers for the purposes of planar excursions. She gathers some form of energy from these planes by means of a special staff she carries. She always gives those who help her a portion of this energy in the form of one-use crystals. Samaritha has mentioned she is close to an adventuring party not in Vareholm, but she has for some reason not recruited this group for her purposes.   Point of Contact:
DM to Contact: Quordle     Khazabatai, Tomb of Valkorion
Interplanar Mega-dungeon serving as a tomb to the ancient primordial known as Valkorion. Massive brass clockwork ensures only one chamber can be accessed at a time, with each chamber replicating or possibly even transporting the party to one of the planes of existence.   Point of Contact: None
DM to Contact: Ratzah     Name of the Paladin
The Nameless Paladin of Vareholm wears a crown of red aster flowers. Said crown was later discovered to be the symbol of a soldier in service to the fey courts. As part of the bargain that made them such a soldier, the [nameless paladin] lost their name. Continuous contact with benevolent (?) fey and the occasional trip to the Feywild are big parts of this plot to rediscover and reclaim the [nameless paladin]’s name.   Point of Contact: Nameless Paladin
DMs to Contact: Ratzah     The Realm of Chaos
A demiplane of utter chaos and wild magic, ruled by a devious scam artist. It was once broken and nearly destroyed, but after adventurers accidentally traveled there, life was seemingly breathed back into the realm and its ruler, Scam Likely.   Point of Contact: Spoon and Serj
DMs to Contact: Ratzah     Rise of Crabererak
In tales long lost to mankind, a lawyer and his companions killed the family of a young little crab and stole his college fund money. Later in history, that same crab has returned as a powerful lich and mastermind, reshaping the definition of what it is to be a crab. Through replicating the monstrosities of legend, such as Strahd von Zarovich, the Tarrasque, Kraken, etc., as horrid crab monsters, the great Crabererak seeks to attain revenge on the entities that wronged him.   Point of Contact: None
DMs to Contact: Ratzah     The Tower of Tales
A powerful Fey of the summer court who can manifest stories into reality has been working his magic around Vareholm for several months. It is unclear whether he is a benevolent figure or not, but those who choose to experience his stories firsthand often come away with riches and powerful artifacts.   Point of Contact: The Storyteller (NPC)
DMs to Contact: Ratzah     The Vigilant Star
A redeemed dragon, formerly a servant of Tiamat, resides in the most bleak and hopeless place there is; the Shadowfell. From there, The Vigilant Star glows with radiance, spreading hope to those lost in the bleak wastelands of that dreadful realm. Through his family bloodline, things suggest Vareholm’s resident draconic sorcerer and hero has ties to this Vigilant Star. Through the eyes of a mask Altin was granted by a chance encounter with one of the Vigilant Star’s followers, he can see a bright star on the horizon whenever he visits the Shadowfell. What lies there is sure to be important…   Point of Contact: Altin Ejder
DM to Contact: Ratzah     One Evil Against Another
What appears to be Strahd's old master has come to Vareholm to supposedly claim this land as his own. Knowing that Medathrius desires to take ownership of Vareholm, Strahd has begun the work of gathering adventurers to put a stop to his master's plot.   Point of Contact: Asteria
DM to Contact: Tiqui