The Order of Seykin Organization in Ealdwyll | World Anvil

The Order of Seykin

Careful, or the Empress will send her Seykin after you.
— Advisor Emon trying to convince his son not to do something stupid.
  The Order of Seykin is a secret organisation working for the Empress of Ghynzua. Their existence has never been officially confirmed, however many people believe this legendary order truly exists.  

Hidden Agenda

The seykin function as spies and assassins for the Empress of Ghynzua. Under her guidance they make sure every person living in Ghynzua do so following the tenets of amanism and the ghynzuan laws. They have strong ties with their religion and operate within its boundaries. Foreigners often do not understand how an assassin's work can be accepted by amanists since they value life so highly. But within the religion there is a special spot reserved for those willing to dedicate their lives to making sure every ghynzuan has a chance at rebirth.  

Ama's Blessing

During their training seykins receive Ama's blessing to kill. Only after this are they allowed to take someone's life. The blessing is something each novice works toward from the moment they are accepted as a recruit. Not every recruit is trained to be an assassin however. Spies are just as important.  

Mind over Shadow

Seykin are often believed to have supernatural powers. In most cases their powers can simply be explained by their rigorous training or clever tricks. But there are some seykin who are able to manipulate shadows. Very few can master this skill and only those who show an innate ability for it will receive the training in a secluded location. Even amongst seykin this skill is kept secret but like any secret rumors exist.
Founding Date
260 AP
Government, Secret Service
Training Level
Parent Organization

Related Articles

Organization | Nov 8, 2021


Author's Notes

This article was written during Inktober 2019 for the following prompts:
Day 15: Legend
Day 26: Dark

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Oct 18, 2019 19:45 by Amy Winters-Voss

But within the religion there is a special spot reserved for those willing to dedicate their lives to making sure every ghynzuan has a chance at rebirth. - that gave me the shivers!

Author of the Liminal Chronicles urban fantasy series | Author Website
Oct 19, 2019 19:32 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

Thank you so much. :-)

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.