Empress of Ghynzua

Empress of Ghynzua is the title of the political leader of the Ghynzuan Empire. Ever since its founding the Empire has been led by a woman. The very first Empress, Seycha the Founder, was blessed by Ama with an extraordinary long life. Every Empress after her has been a descendant of Seycha and was equally blessed with a long life.


When it comes to the subject of succession for the ghynzuan throne many foreigners find the customs surrounding it very strange. Throughout history every new empress has been a descendant of Seycha the Founder. Even though there have been occasions where a group has tried to take over the empire they never succeeded.
— Excerpt from The Empire
To become Empress one must be the daughter of the previous Empress. Since the reign of Seycha the Founder it has been custom for the imperial children to be hidden from the public. Often times the Empress will retreat from the public eye for several months before giving birth. It is never confirmed to the ghynzuan population that a new princess or prince is born. It is believed the Empress' children are among the many orphans who are taken in by the Empress. This reveals their identity and takes away the risk of anyone causing deliberate harm to the crown princess or the next in line.


The coronation of a new Empress is held exactly 40 days after the funeral of her mother. In those 40 days the Empire is in mourning and no big political decisions are made. After the Eradication of the Councils in 1748 a new constitutional law was created. Since that day the appointment ceremony is merely a formality. The new Empress takes over the rule of the Empire the moment her mother has passed away.


It comes as no surprise that the most important duty of the Empress of Ghynzua involves ruling her Empire.
Civic, Political
The title was created in 258 when the Empire was founded.
Form of Address
Her Imperial Highness
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Locations
Related Organizations
This article is a WIP for Summer Camp 2020.


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Jul 5, 2020 09:16

I just love your writing style it just picks me up and draws me in I love it and I love this! excellent writing and I love the little pop up details

Jul 5, 2020 09:23 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. :)

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.
Jul 8, 2020 14:43

Hi Rynn,   I am interested in the rank, but... it feels like there are important details missing and the reader is not getting a very full picture of what exactly do they do (or maybe you are hoping the reader will make a lot of assumptions of what an empress does). Since the prompt is to write about the rank, I was hoping to learn about it in a bit more detail. I believe the rank that you are writing about has potential, but you are hiding it away.   The "next in line" section is where I feel the article needs more work/edits. Specifically, these sentences:

Often times the Empress will retreat from the public eye for several months before giving birth. It is never confirmed to the ghynzuan population that a new princess or prince is born. It is believed the Empress' children are among the many orphans who are taken in by the Empress. This reveals their identity and takes away the risk of anyone causing deliberate harm to the crown princess or the next in line.
  As the reader, after that, I was left in a puddle of confusion: the empress has some sort of public life (what exactly does that constitute?), but she retreats from it (where does she go?), it is never confirmed whether the empress had a kid (where are her kids kept at?), apparently the empress adopts children (?), adopting children somehow reveals the identity of the empress children (or do you mean it hides their identity? and where are all of these adopted children being taken care of?).   You don't have to answer all these questions, but currently, you give the reader very little information and leave them with a dozen questions about this "empress" rank. I think it's neat that the empress "hides" their children somehow in a bunch of orphans, and there's lot of potential there, but currently, that section does not do the idea justice.   I thought the coronation section was neat, and as a formatting side note, I think "coronation" could be a smaller header than "next in line" (as the one seems to be nested within the other). And another small formatting thing: It'd be neat if instead of Ama's tooltip being merely "goddess" it actually had a bit more of info, like "The goddess of X" or "The main goddess in Miraiy".   The duties section is a single sentence, which I think you could use to answer some of the questions that the reader may be having (for example, about the empress' public life: does she hold court? if so, does she do it in front of the people? if not, when do the "normal" people ever get to see their empress?).   I hope all of this makes sense, but let me know if you have questions :)

Jul 8, 2020 14:56 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

Thank you so much! You are a lifesaver. This article still needs a ton of work and at least this gives me some ideas of what to add.

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.
Jul 9, 2020 09:53

I'm glad my comments were useful. Good luck with the edits!

Jul 9, 2020 11:01 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

Thank you.

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.