Ameder caste system Organization in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Ameder caste system

The funerary caste, concerned with proper handling and funeral rites for the dead. Members of this caste generally enjoy great respect in Ameder society, as the fate of the soul is important to Ameders even though direct ancestor worship is less commonplace than among the Útels. Their role is also more complicated than that of the latter, as not only are they required to know local variations of burials and cremations -of which there are many across the city-states- but the funeral rites of other groups such Yrels and Mörkels as well.
Ameders born into aned-naa are identified by their grey cloaks with white edges.
The rowers' caste, concerned with rowing the various kinds of merchant ships the Ameders use along the coast of Ahix Sea. Their role is especially important as the Ameders have yet do discover sails. Members are taught the movements and teamwork involved in early childhood, often in form of games and song, some of which the entire family can participate in while sitting on each side of the fire pit. The worship of Bez and Nez or Úrtní is especially common within derþa-naa.
Ameders born into derþa-naa are identified by their green cloaks with yellow circular designs along the edges.
The jewelers' caste, concerned with crafting jewelry and talismans out of various materials, including metals, wood, shells and colourful stones. Though traditional designs similar to those of the Útels are still used, Ameder jewellers are known for borrowing and combining different styles from all over Dragonía, with influences ranging from as far as the Southern Desert and Vúrakesen Mountains.
Ameders born into eilar-naa are identified by their yellow cloaks with grey circular designs along the edges.
The wicker-workers' caste, concerned with making baskets, mats, ropes and even clothing made of various sorts of grasses and bark cloth.
Ameders born into fahyl-naa are identified by their orange cloaks with yellow diamond pattern along the edges.
The stonemasons' caste, concerned with constructing things out of stone, including standing stones and other monuments.
Ameders born into kagú-naa are identified by their grey cloaks with red triangular designs along the edges.
The healers' caste, concerned with treating injuries and illnesses, and making medicine. It's not uncommon for each family to specialize in certain fields, such as bad eye disease and dentistry. Though local materials are used whenever possible -including tar, which Ameders were first to use to treat wounds-, many traditional Útel remedies require things that need to be imported from Ela'k Forest, especially honey.
Ameders born into leh-naa are identified by their orange cloaks with red edges.
The artists' caste, concerned with painting buildings, ships, weapons and arms, applying tar to ships, and making tattoos.
Ameders born into lysar-naa are identified by their red cloaks with double white edges.
The scribes' caste, concerned with the recording, copying and safekeeping records of all sorts. Elders of local dynasties often hire scribes to write their biographies and words of wisdom, and in the eastern city-states some scribes write poetry to entertain the aristocracy, a custom borrowed from the Mörkels.
Ameders born into metú-naa are identified by their yellow cloaks with purple edges.
Originally the mages' caste, this caste has functioned as the aristocracy in Ameder society since the fifth century a.Dr, divided into dynasties, each ruling its own city-state, and the actual studying of the flow of magic and its uses is now rare among its members. The chief of each dynasty fulfills similar a similar function to the elder council of the Útels, being responsible for solving difficult dilemmas affecting the other castes.
Unlike other Ameder castes, there's no standard clothing associated with núraf-naa, though many members in the western city-states wear traditional large earrings like Útel mages do.
The tailors' caste, concerned with weaving the distinctive cloaks for each caste and other colourful clothes, beddings, tapestries and such. Common materials include the hair of woolly rabbits, Hyrnings and Antanas.
Ameders born into tnalú-naa are identified by their light green cloaks with red edges.
The swineherds' caste, concerned with raising pigs for meat and skins. Ameders born into tiþin-naa are identified by their red cloaks with yellow edges.
The hunters' caste, which along with hunting by traps or bow and arrows is also concerned with tanning and leatherwork. Members of this caste learn at early age a number of songs describing the appearance and behaviour of different animals, as well as how to navigate the woods, follow tracks and move quietly.
Úlin-naa is the only caste whose members are identified by two kinds of cloak, brown cloaks with grey edges during summer, and white cloaks with grey edges during winter.
The warriors' caste, whose members serves as guards for the aristocracy. Ameders born into vaarþ-naa have different apparel for each city-state, though traditionally the oldest member of each family wear a white cloak with black edges -the same as Útel warriors- when at home.
The smiths' caste, concerned with making all sorts of tools and weapons out of metal. Ameders born into vósar-naa are identified by their orange cloaks with double red edge.
The carpenters' caste, concerned with making various things out of wood, from buildings and ships to chests and furniture, and making decorative carvings in a variety of styles for each city-state. Members of this caste are also responsible for carving armour and shields out of hardwood.
Ameders born into this caste are identified by their brown cloaks with yellow circular designs along the edges.
The shamans' caste, concerned with performing rituals in honour of the various ancestral- and nature spirits, gods and goddesses that make up Ameder polytheism, as well as those worshipped by Mörkels travelling through the city-states. Members of this caste are also expected to be able to recite prayers and chants not only in several Amederic dialects, but in Útelic and Mörkel tongue as well.
Ameders born into yþrú-naa are identified by their green cloaks with orange borders.
The fishermen's caste, concerned with fishing and hunting various marine creatures. Ameders born into ærú-naa are identified by their orange cloaks with black, jagged line along the edges.
The guards' caste, concerned with keeping the peace within settlements, defending ships and patrolling roads against bandits and predators. Their weapons and arms are similar to those of warriors, though lacking the decorations of the latter.
Ameders born into öðin-naa are identified by their purple cloaks with blue edges.
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