
Dulak Undercity

Written by Sierra Brown.


An expanse of underground tunnels and caverns, all congregating on a single, large subterranean dome containing a ruined dwarven city. Aikranor describes both this labyrinth of caves, and the city itself.

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A vast dwarven ruin is buried deep beneath Dulak in Eastern Sernia. This ruin, known as the ancient city Aikranor to knowledgeable scholars, is now home to creatures and residents of the Underdark. The entire city is encased in a cavernous dome, accessible through various side caverns and spiraling tower-stairs rising up toward the surface, built by the ancient Sernian Underdwarves.



The Dome

The entire ruin is buried deep beneath the surface of Sernia and sees no sunlight. A large, unnaturally smooth stone dome with a flattened base houses the city. Entrances in the form of elaborately carved spiraling stairwells rising through crumbling towers surround the city in eight cardinal points. Many caverns and cave openings dot the dome, some at ground level, created by various creatures of the Underdark over the centuries. However, most of these paths have degraded beyond safe use.


The City

The city itself is vast, containing a labyrinthian complex of ancient stone-work structures, some of which are still intact. Still, many lack part of their walls or ceilings or are wholly exposed to the outside cavern. Old stone-work paths run between the structures. Each building only rises a single story until you reach the center of Aikranor, where the still-standing and grandiose Citadel rises up toward the top of the dome.



Despite being underground and surrounded by rock, Aikranor has found itself being claimed by nature. Various mosses cover the natural and worked stone through the cavern. Pools of natural water attract different aquatic and amphibious creatures of the deep. Most of the city is infested with vegepygmies that have claimed the city as their own. Undead remnants of an as-yet-unknown origin also populate the deeper, more central sections.

The city streets, alleys, and buildings are commonly lit by sparkling witch lights that dot in and out of crevices. A majority of these are mischievous or curious in nature but harmless and not malevolent. Outside of these spiritual animations and the occasional torch from a recent adventure, no other light sources exist in Aikranor. Most, if not all, residents of the city are capable of dark sight or rely on other senses.



While the Sernian common folk have forgotten Aikranor and the Underdwarves, those well vested in history and myth know their story well. Centuries ago, before The Creator returned to reclaim Kernier in his name, other races lived in Sernia in harmony with humans. Among these were the Underdwarves - A group of dwarves descendent from those who fled south from Heliot's increasingly inhospitable land. These dwarves lived in grand underground cities throughout Sernia, including several connected directly with surface cities. One of these surface-connected cities was Aikranor, built immediately beneath Dulak and served as a trade hub, much like Dulak itself. Aikranor was described as a magnificent, shining city of merchants, artisans, craftsmen, and uncommon goods and resources not found on the surface.

However, these relations quickly changed with the rapid rise of The Creator throughout Sernia. Aikranor and Dulak became closed off from each other, with the grand, spiraling staircases locked and guarded on both sides. A black market opened up, shakily maintaining the once open and robust link between the two cities. However, this did not last long - The Temple didn't just want the dwarves cut off; they wanted the dwarves driven out. In the Great Inquisitorial Conquest, an armada of paladins, clerics, and acolytes stormed Aikranor, driving out the dwarves and leaving the city abandoned to rot away over the next few centuries, until today.

Many Sernians still aware of Aikranor's existance now believe the city to be haunted by the souls of those slain by the Temple. Many rumors also run about Dulak of an ancient stronghold underneath, housing some dark dwarven lord biding his time to return to the surface in vengeance.

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Alternative Name(s)
The Undercity
Underground / Subterranean
Location under

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