Campaign Calendar in Death Before Dishonor! | World Anvil

Campaign Calendar

or, How to Time the Times of Your Life

In the original En Garde! rules, play proceeded fairly simply. Each month featured four actions per character, sometimes with added options (such as carousing at a club). With the expansion of opportunities for character actions, and the need to coordinate timing for established events, Death Before Dishonor! demands a more formal structure. This article will provide that information.

Each season is unofficially known for common events which normally occur during these times of year. An obvious example is the summer military campaign season. Often, the pace and type of actions a character might take are dictated by the opportunities presented to them. It can roughly be summarized as follows:

  • Spring: The Season of Romance
  • Summer: The Campaign Season
  • Autumn: The Social Season
  • Winter: The Holiday Season

With that in mind, let's see how each month is structured, and what events occur at specific times of the year.


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