The Others Species in Dawn of Others | World Anvil

The Others

The Others are those who have been changed by the Sonohoka virus but have maintained their conginitive capacities. There are several different types of Others that are considered to be common mutation types.

Basic Information


The changes the Sonohoka virus causes are diverse, but there are trends that have been grouped into different kinds of Others. Each presents with characteristics that are common to their subtype. It is believed that different strains of the virus has a different effect on the body. The diversity of the Others has lead many to believe that there are numerous strains yet to be discovered.

Genetics and Reproduction

They are human and their reproduction has not changed. There does not seem to be an increased prevelence of Others born to Other parents. However, their children do most often present as the same sub class of Other if they become one.

Growth Rate & Stages

They mature and develop at the same rate as Humans. Most often, Vigor wakes in puberty.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Related Organizations

Articles under The Others


Author's Notes

Header image from the Ultramodern 5 Redux source book. Side bar image from stock photos from Adobe Express.

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