Lyndi Herb Garnet Character in Dawn of Others | World Anvil

Lyndi Herb Garnet

Lyndi Herb Garnet (a.k.a. Lyn)


Positive Bias

They favor those who are creative and can perform. Anyone with a performance skill of 15 or more benefits from this bias.

Negative Bias

They distrust Humans. Life has taught them that Humans are cruel and hateful

Physical Description

Special abilities

Perform +15

Specialized Equipment

Musical Instrument: Guitar

Proficiency with a musical instrument indicates they are familiar with the techniques used to play it. They also have knowledge of some songs commonly performed with that instrument.   History. Their expertise aids them in recalling lore related to the guitar instrument.   Performance. Their ability to put on a good show is improved when they incorporate a guitar into their act.   Compose a Tune. As part of a long rest, they can compose a new tune and lyrics for a song using the guitar. They might use this ability to impress a noble or spread scandalous rumors with a catchy tune.  
Identify a tune 10
Improvise a tune 20

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

They are bigender which means that their gender identity encompasses two genders; both male and female. They feel that they are a mixture of both.


Skoliosexual, meaning that they only feel attraction toward people who are nonbinary.


They were not given a formal education. They spent their childhood lurking in the back of classrooms in an effort to learn when the adults were not interested in teaching them. They would work as a cleaner within the school to have reason to be in the building where they could listen to the lectures while performing their work. They spent a good deal of time in New Medical Library reading and educating themselves.


Most of their life, they have worked on the farms or as a house keeper. They have also taken odd jobs that involved difficult or undesirable tasks. With Levi's encouragement, they began to work at The Flying Pig as a performer. This allowed them to make money while doing something that they love.

Accomplishments & Achievements

They have always loved music. Because of this, they always sang while they worked as long as those around them allowed them to do so without harassment. Over the years they developed a beautiful singing voice. Being able to perform as a singer despite being an Other is something they consider to be a great achievement in their life. They feel that it demonstrates how amzing their voice is for Humans to tolerate their presence.

Mental Trauma

At the age of 10, they sat for the entrance exams for all three schools. All three schools failed them. Upon failing to gain entrance into a school, their parents demanded that they find work. They are certain that the only reason they failed the exams is because of being an Other.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • They change their mood or their mind as quickly as they change key in a song.
  • Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are. (Any)
  • Beauty. When they perform, they make the world better than it was. (Good)
  • They want to be famous, whatever it takes.
  • They will do anything to win fame and renown.
Current Location
Year of Birth
83 SE 30 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Their birth was not well received by their family and community. They were clearly an The Others and there was no hiding that.
Current Residence
Housing District
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Brown
Aligned Organization
Known Languages



Charisma — persuasive, forceful, born leader


Strength — feeble, scrawny


Prone to singing, whistling, or humming quietly

Useful Knowledge

They have connections with The Solstice Syndicate and usually get someone connected with a representative of the faction if they need to.


Fame. I’ve seen what fame can bring. And I’ll do anything to get all that for myself. (Neutral)


Growing up, I had an imaginary friend I could always count on. That friend is still with me.


You have to look out for yourself. No one else will.


Author's Notes

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