Neutral Good Alignment in Dawn of Others | World Anvil

Neutral Good Alignment

Neutral Good characters do their best to help others, but they do it because they want to, not because they have been told to by a person in authority or by society’s laws. They are governed and led by their own conscience. They are generally your regular ‘good’ person.   Neutral Good characters are in the middle of the ethical axis because they believe that some rules and order are useful in society to a point, but only when individuals are still generally free to do what they want on a daily basis. They are aware that too much order can restrict people’s freedoms, but likewise, that too much freedom can lead to societal collapse and people making decisions that negatively affect others.   While they will generally follow the rules and laws of society, Neutral Good characters do so because they lead to good outcomes, rather than because they feel obliged to by authority figures and institutions. If a person in authority tries to use their power to restrict the Neutral Good character’s freedom, they will not be happy and may rebel. In a similar way, a Neutral Good character will mislead, break promises, and take things that don’t belong to them to further the greater good. A Neutral Good person will break the rules if they are doing it for the greater good and they will feel confident and justified in their actions.   A Neutral Good character will always to try to solve things peacefully because they believe that life should be protected. They will try to calm down situations with talk, minimize harm or get opponents in the leg or arm to spare their life. They will always be merciful if asked. However, if left with no choice they will eliminate a character to defend themselves and others.
Neutral Good. (NG) folk do the best they can to help others according to their needs. Many celestials are neutral good. -5e Basic Rules, Chapter 4: Personality and Background


Author's Notes

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