Raire Nirmalis Character in Dark-Fall | World Anvil

Raire Nirmalis

Ambitious Young Lady

Raire Nirmalis is the oldest child of Kymil Nirmaris and Fonlen Nirmaris. She's the oldest of two siblings, with her younger brother being 3 years younger than her. She aspires to become the next Air High Fae after her mother, but the final decision hasn't been made yet.  
Raire is a wonderful young woman, and I have been playing with the thought of choosing her as my successor. However, I feel that she lacks the same compassion which makes her brother shine, so it is a difficult decision.

Big dreams

Raire is very studious and takes her education very seriously. She and her brother Minles Nirmalis spend a lot of time studying, as they both want to make sure they are prepared if their mother should choose them as her successor.  


Due to the fact that Kymil hasn't chosen her successor, there's tension between the two siblings. They each want to perform the best they can, in case it would sway their mother's mind. They both do their best to avoid mistakes and have been known to sometimes sabotage one another, to make the other seem like the worse candidate.
Year of Birth
1516 ADF 68 Years old

Cover image: by Ninne124


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