The Mortal Races Ethnicity in D&D | World Anvil

The Mortal Races


Arboreans (Wood Elves)

Racial Traits: Use stats for wood elves or half elves.   Most Common Classes: Druids, Cleric (Nature domain), Paladin (Oath of Ancients)   The Arboreans (Elves of the Wood) are reclusive, though in recent centuries they have begun living in relatively small woodland villages for protection. Almost every Arborean has some minor druidic magic and holds great respect for Artoš. Fighters, druids, paladins (Oath of Ancients) and clerics (Nature) are common; Arborean artificers are, as of yet, unheard of.  

Nachthyr (Drow & Shadar-kai)

Racial Traits: Use Drow or Shadar-kai stats.   Most Common Classes: Any death or shadow-themed class.   Restrictions: Nachthyr cannot be clerics of the light god Azrael.   The Nachthyr (Elves of the Night) are little-known to surface-walkers. They dwell in the shadowy recesses of the Underdark and emerge only on the darkest of nights to conduct shadowy rituals. Shadow and Death-themed classes are common, and most Nachthyr pay tribute to Malgelirion or one of his Archons.   The Nachthyr pursue a civilized death, viewing the passing from their mortal shells as an honour to be undertaken with great care. Most Nachthyr strive for what they term "civilized" death; death in slumber or by poison, and the most esteemed among them are granted death by ritual sacrifice. Likewise, violent death in combat is seen as "uncivilized", and such violence is reserved for criminals among Nachthyrian society. Consequently, the god of battle Ko'suth is generally considered barbaric.

Somnians (High Elves & Gith)

Racial Traits: Use either Githyanki or Githzerai stats for full-blooded Somnians, or High Elf stats for Half-Somnians.   Most Common Classes: Wizards, Cleric (Knowledge Domain), Monk, Druids (Circle of Stars)   The Somnian Elves (Elves of the Dream) dwell primarily in Nuriliath and call Hollyhock home. These elves are typically more robust in appearance than Arboreans or Thalassian elves, with squarish features and mottled skin. Among elves, Somnians are unique in their ability to dream. The Somnian love of magic and arcane mystery naturally draws them to wizardry and astral-themed classes (e.g. Way of the Astral Self Monk). Divine casters are relatively common, and typically favour Artoš or Seraphine.  

Thalassians (Sea Elves)

Racial Traits: Use stats for Triton or Sea Elves.   Most Common Classes: Druid, Cleric (Tempest), Fighter, Paladin Thalassian Elves (Elves of the Sea) are aquatic elves with skin tones ranging from seafoam green to pale blues. They are naturally drawn to the sea, wherever they may live and tend to be skilled magic users. clerics, druids and paladins are common but most Thalassians typically hold either Artoš or D'haar in high esteem, even if they not themselves clerics or druids of these gods.      


Racial Traits: use stats for Yuan-ti.   Most Common Classes: Druid (fire or desert themes), rogue, warlock, or any sun or desert themed class.   The Yuan-ti are serpentine folk, some bear elvish torsos and serpentine heads, others slither on long, muscular tails but appear elvish from the waist up, and others yet are almost entirely elvish in appearance save for their yellow, reptilian eyes.   The Yuan-ti were once desert-dwelling elves common to the sands of Bharazad until the Demon Lord Astaroth whispered the promise of power into the minds of the elven leadership. The elves believed they could walk the fine line between dark and light, wielding the demon lord's power without fully succumbing to the dark influence. They were successful, in part. The elves twisted Astaroth's power to their own means and gained new magical affinity, but they too were twisted in turn, and took on their serpentine, near-monstrous forms.    


Racial Traits: Tieflings, Aasimar and standard Genasi are as-written in the Player's Handbook. For Dream Genasi, see below.   Most Common Classes: varies across the three races of Fateborn, however warlocks are common, albeit with unique patrons for each Fateborn race (Genies for Genasi, Fiends for Tieflings and Celestials for Aasimar).   Fateborn is a common collective term for Aasimar, Tieflings and Genasi. Individuals of these races can be born to parents of any other race and are believed to have a specific, albeit unclear, tie to prophecy and a call to a greater destiny. For a Fateborn, prophecy, destiny and fate are ingrained into their upbringing. Fateborn children often emulate the culture and community in which they were raised. To commonfolk, the Fateborn are mystical beings intricately tied to prophecy and greater power, be it divine, fiendish or otherwise. As consequence, Tieflings often face harsh prejudice among commoners, while Aasimar are regularly admired or revered for their birth alone. The Genasi highly respected by Artosian Priests and rarely turned away among elves, who harbour a deep love for Genasi of Water in particular.  
  Three Fateborn individuals. An Aasimar (left), Water Genasi (center), and Tiefling (right).

Notable Fateborn

  • Zara Baroness of Naserine's Echo and Wielder of Ruination, Tiefling of Baphomet.
  • Dorian, Tiefling (Heritage unknown).
  • Falma, Water Genasi.
  • Josi, Aasimar.
  • Captain Vienna of the House of Order, Aasimar
  • Elyon, first of the Dream Genasi
  • Dream Genasi

    Your fate is intricately interwoven with the stars on high, your destiny swaddled in the silver winds of the astral sea.   Dream genasi skin tones are typically shades of blue, purple or rich black and often gleam with a faint starlight.  
  • Ability Score Increase. When determining your character’s ability scores, increase one score by 2 and increase a different score by 1, or increase three different scores by 1. You can't raise any of your scores above 20.
  • Creature Type. You are a Humanoid.
  • Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.
  • Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet.
  • Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray.
  • Unending Breath. You can hold your breath indefinitely while you’re not incapacitated.
  • Force Resistance. You have resistance to force damage.
  • Mingle with the Stars. You know the Dimension Hop cantrip (see below). Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the Magic Missile spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Starting at 5th level, you can also cast the Vortex Warp spell with this trait, without requiring a material component. Once you cast either Magic Missile or Vortex Warpwith this trait, you can’t cast that spell with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast either of those spells using any spell slots you have of the appropriate level. Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells when you cast them with this trait (choose when you select this race).


    Racial Traits: Use half-orc or orc stats.   Most Common Classes: Druid, Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin (Oath of Ancients)   Orcs were created by the druid goddess Artoš as a means to protect the natural world from pillaging and plundering at the hands of humans. They respect nature, strength and tradition above all else. Their love of combat has honed their skills to the finest edge. What they lack in numbers they make up in battle cunning and raw strength.  


      Racial Traits: use halfling stats.   Most Common Classes: Rogues, Rangers, Druids, any sailor or pirate-type character.   Halflings share the warm lands of Bharazad with the nomadic dragonborn. Halflings are often (but not always) chaotic, but with very strong senses of community and loyalty to friends and family. Halflings, ever the lucky ones, have a tendency to leave much of their lives to chance; from simple decisions (what they'll eat) to decisions that will impact their entire lives (such as who, or if they'll marry).   The Halflings of Bharazad are an adventurous lot; most travel for some years during their life to see the world, by foot, horseback or most commonly: by sea. The Halflings of Bharazad first took to the ocean centuries ago, and aboard they have since become masters of the sea.  


      Racial Traits: use dragonborn stats.   Most Common Classes: Varies by scale colour.   Dragonborn were originally the offspring of dragons and other mortal races (most commonly humans), and though such pairings are still possible, most dragonborn alive today are born of dragonborn parents. The largest colonies of dragonborn are found the arid deserts of Bharazad, roaming the sands and cliffs there in nomadic families, called Flights. A given flight is usually of a single colour, though the mixing of two or more smaller flights is not uncommon. More than 300 years ago, during the The First Era, the dragonborn of Bharazad were said to dwell in a great, walled city, unified under their God of All Dragons , but time and death has washed away all remnants of both the god and city, such that none even know the location of this great ruin.   Beyond Bharazad, only small pockets of dragonborn communities exist, often around their ancestral draconic patron or matron. Most notably, a large population of red dragonborn are spread through Anderim, Dumont and Bedegar--refugess from the War of the Red Scale, and the city of Haven shelters a healthy population of silver dragonborn descendants of Haven's twin draconic rulers.     Goliaths   Humans   Dwarves