Angelrock Material in Curse-Eaters | World Anvil
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An angelrock is a supernatural gemstone wielded by the curse-eaters. Knights and other cursed people get their superpower (gift) from the curse that they're hosting, but curse-eaters get their gift from this stone.


Material Characteristics

Dormant State

A dormant angelrock looks kinda like a large diamond. It's a translucent white gem with a pentagon-like shape.

Active State

Once a curse-eater holds an angelrock, it changes colors and starts glowing. The color is different for everyone, and we're not sure what determines it.

Origin & Source

Angelrocks were created by a curse-eater named Massala Omondi back in the 2060s. His gift was the ability to fuse different materials together, and he discovered he could fuse a blessing with crystals to create this sweet new stone. Now that he sadly passed away, no new angelrocks can be created. They say he made dozens back in the day, but most have been lost or destroyed, so only 6 are left.

History & Usage


When the curse-eaters were a new group, they used blessings to fight against curses, but blessings became so rare that they worried they'd run out and have nothing to fight with. Massala got the idea to fuse blessings into a permanent material so they'd never run out. He designed the angelrocks so they'd fit perfectly in an A.S.A., which makes it easy to carry them around. Needless to say, NovaCorp was not happy when they realized what Massala had done, and started looking for ways to destroy angelrocks.

Everyday use

Curse-eaters use angelrocks for lots of things.
  • Gifts: A curse-eater can't use a gift without an angelrock.
  • Purification: Curse-eaters use angelrocks to defeat curses by purifying them and trapping them inside the angelrock.
  • Power: Massala also made cellphones, lights, and generators that use the curses trapped in an angelrock for power instead of electricity. It's super convenient because then our hideout can stay off the grid.


Law & Regulation

Angelrocks were declared illegal by NovaCorp. We can use angelrocks to be just as powerful as they are with their curses, so they don't want that.
Extremely Rare


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Aug 19, 2023 20:57 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

This material is interesting, but its scary that there are only 6 of them! there was enough interesting in this article that I would take the time to go back and link to other articles in your world. I was interested in what a gift was, what ASA was, and Massalla was a perfect opportunity to link to an article about him. Even if we as readers, don't click on a link, the mouseover text (which I'm pleased to see you use) is helpful in exploring your world and providing context.

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at to see my latest work!