Curses Species in Curse-Eaters | World Anvil
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Curses are manifestations of sin and demonic energy. Originally from the Otherworld, they come to Earth through rifts and search for human hosts. The first curse was spotted in 2020, and in the years since, they've multiplied and now roam Earth in the millions. A curse can't be killed, but curse-eaters can defeat and trap them through a cool process called purification.

Basic Information


There are three basic forms a curse can take: shapeless, their true form, and host.


While on Earth, curses are "shapeless," a red-violet wisp of a body that can glide through the air and pass through objects, but can't physically interact with anything. Kind of like ghosts.

True Form

While in the Otherworld, curses take on their true form, which usually resembles a warped and distorted animal. While in this form, they can physically interact with the environment and people.


When a curse finds a host, they become absorbed into their human host's body and no longer have any form of their own. The curse and the host are then united until either the host dies or successfully breaks their contract. Since curses can't die, a host's death only means the curse is set free to find another host.


Curses are attracted to sin and negative energy. They seek out people with cruel intentions, and if they can't find one, they tempt the nearest human by whispering suggestions to them. Curses tend to be mischievous and act like they just want a fun prank, but don't listen to them. They will always push pranks too far.


A curse's main priority is to find a host, which they can only do by forming a contract with a willing human. The most common form of contract is when the human agrees to go along with the curse's suggested sin in exchange for power or health. A cursed human gets a supernatural power called a gift. This, and NovaCorp's biased treatment of cursed individuals, makes contracts appealing to many people. The sin required to make a contract can be anything from a lie to theft to abuse to murder. Plus, curses will try to trick you into thinking that the sin won't be that bad, so it's easy to end up with more than you bargained for.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Curses can read humans' thoughts and intentions. They can't speak aloud, but they communicate telepathically by projecting their thoughts onto a human's consciousness, which sounds like a whisper in the back of the mind. It feels very creepy, like your brain is being invaded.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by
Organization | Aug 25, 2023

A military and law enforcement organization used by NovaCorp.


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