Town Dump Building / Landmark in Curiosity and Satisfaction | World Anvil

Town Dump

North of town.

  Most of New Jerusalem's trash and garbage end up northwest of Meadow Hill in a big excavated pit. At night the place is infested with raccoons, skunks, opossums, and an occasional black bear.   Medical waste is also destroyed here. Composted material is available for sale at the old town dump area.   A popular feature known to locals is “take it or leave it,” a large tin barn where working junk can be dropped off for others to pick up. “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” are the operative words here. Aside from the usual detritus, occasionally truly odd items end up here: a brass skull, an oddly inscribed incense burner, strange old books, a musical instrument that defies normal musicology, etc.
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