The Great Hor'ror War Military Conflict in Cruul | World Anvil

The Great Hor'ror War

The war for Hor'ror, which took place in A4 999, was a vicious conflict that lasted just over 78 days, but had far-reaching consequences that are still felt to this day. It was a war sparked by a council meeting between state commanders, in which Hor'ror accused The Kingdom of Vangash and The Kingdom of Hamar. of trespassing and teleporting into the sovereign chambers of Landlord Damalah Gorpleez for reasons of war. In response, Vangash and Hamar sent a combined 30,000 soldiers, while Scot of Crim delivered 12,000 to aid in the invasion. The war was officially declared by Scot and quickly turned into a brutal campaign of destruction with demonic horrors involved. Hor'ror and its allies, Damoff and New Bay, were no match for the combined might of Vangash, Hamar, and Scot. The war ended with Hor'ror and its allies removed from power, and Scot claiming the land for itself.   The fall of Hor'ror had significant consequences for the region, as it removed a major player from the political landscape and resulted in a power shift that is still being felt today. Despite the end of the war, tensions between the different states remain high, and it is unclear what the future holds for this troubled region.  

The Spark of war.

  On the Island of Crim, tensions were already high among the confederated authorities prior to the declaration of war. These tensions were exacerbated by an emergency council meeting called to address the issue of the Legends of New Light teleporting into the chambers of a Hor'rorian leader and causing the death of Zelenda Gorpleez, the newly adopted daughter of Damalah Gorpleez, the leader of Hor'ror. The intruders, Holy Peter Henry , heroic Tanner Smith , and the Exponential Alfred Nobel "The exponential" , emerged fully armed and equipped with magic weapons from the birth canal of Zelenda Gorpleez moments after she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Beth Henry (later known as Beth Henry). Prior to this incident, the exhausted heroes had been lost in the hell of B'zuuzhal , fighting against his demons and angels. As they were about to escape through a portal, they encountered a large Devil (Bogzoggool ) attempting to use the same portal to escape from hell. After a fierce battle with the son of B'zuuzhal, the heroes managed to escape through the portal, only to realize that it was actually the birth canal of Zelenda Gorpleez. Upon emerging from inside Zelenda, they caused a gruesome explosion of gore that shredded her body in front of Damalah and her elite doctors, who were present to assist in the birth of the possessed Beth Henry. Fortunately, the heroes' intervention resulted in Beth being born as a normal child, rather than being born into the cruel fate that had been planned for her.    

The Trial of The Legends.

  As the Legends of New Light stood before the confederation council, defending their actions in the recent war against Hor'ror, tensions ran high. Representatives from each of the Crimian states argued that the mainland kingdoms had abused their magic to invade and murder an innocent mother, who happened to also be the daughter of a government leader in a sovereign Crimian nation. The council was not impressed with the situation and saw it as the kingdoms of the mainland trespassing and provocatively starting a war on the eve of the beginning of the 5th age. Citing various laws of Crimian emancipation, the court proved that the party had no right to use magic to enter Hor'rorian land or explode Zelenda. Lord Wallace Cloudfolk III of Scott loudly proclaimed his defense of the Legends and declared Hor'ror and its allies as evil and in league with devils. At that moment, Scott declared war on Hor'ror and Damalah's magical construct guards began to approach the party.   Suddenly, Special Agent Hellwick , who had served as the lawyer for the Legends throughout the trial, demanded that Nobel give her the cloak that Head Director Orbious FowlKrumm had gifted him. Following her command, Hellwick used the cloak to open a door for the party to return home, but in doing so, she had to remain behind. As the Legends of New Light escaped through the portal, Hellwick was heard screaming as she closed the portal for good, sacrificing her life for the safe escape of the heroes.  

Rhett Buckler.

During the trial of the Legends of New Light, an unexpected figure made an appearance - Rhett Buckler, a Space Cowboy and alien Yondarian, who had somehow found himself transported into the midst of the proceedings. Rhett claimed that he had not arrived in Hor'ror from hell, but rather had been fluctuated forward in time from the last time he had encountered the party, months ago in another dimension. Despite his confusion and disorientation, Rhett quickly gained the respect and affection of the members of the Crimian court, with the representative of Port Kasa, Head Speaker Portana Telianna, inviting him to serve her land state. Rhett, touched by the offer, agreed, but before he could follow through on his acceptance, he suddenly fluctuated out of existence once more, leaving the court in shock and confusion.  

Rhett's gun.

Rhett Buckler, the space cowboy from another universe, had brought with him an advanced weapon from space - a laser rifle from the Draconian universe. This rifle was offered as a gift to the leader of New Bay, Don Veetony Farkoni, as a gesture of peace from Rhett. Farkoni eagerly accepted the gift, recognizing the power and potential of such a weapon.  

Sailing to Hor'ror.

  The Legends of New Light, hailed as heroes across the land of Vangash, were approached by the king with a proposition. The kingdom of Hor'ror, ruled by the tyrannical Damalah Gorpleez, had long been a source of conflict and unrest in the region. The king asked the Legends if they would lead his army of 30,000 soldiers into battle against Hor'ror, with the aim of bringing peace and justice to the land. Tanner Smith and Alfred Nobel eagerly accepted the challenge, ready to defend their kingdom and bring an end to the reign of terror imposed by Damalah. However, Holy Saint Peter Henry, still recovering from the wounds and evil energies he had encountered in hell, decided it would be best for him to retire and raise his daughter Beth in the Town of Peter.   In his place, High Priest Elom Nusk of N'tari offered to join the Legends and lead the armies into battle, fighting for goodness and friendship. With their ranks reinforced, the Legends set sail towards Crim with 30 war galleons, each carrying 1000 soldiers.   Tragically, their journey was met with disaster as 5 of the galleons were sunk by evil divine magics, resulting in the loss of 5000 young men and women before they even reached Crim's shores. Among the casualties were the famous Rolfio Don Crimillio and Ex-Commander Dasha Doradasha, who were both declared lost at sea, only to be found on a beach hundreds of miles away weeks later.  

Devil worship.

The War for Hor'ror ended with the fall of the Hor'rorian government and its allies Damoff and New Bay, was not only a conflict sparked by the alleged teleportation of trespassers into sovereign chambers, but it also exposed the widespread worship of B'zuuzhal "God of Lies and betrayal, within the country. Reports suggest that the followers of B'zuuzhal were operating within Hor'ror's leadership, leading to acts of depravity and horror being committed in the name of the deity. Many soldiers who survived the war returned with mental instability, having witnessed demonic events that had deeply affected their minds. The war, which was declared by Scot and ended with the country being claimed by the victor, left a lasting impact on the soldiers who fought in it and the country they once called home.

The Three Legend Generals.

The war for Hor'ror that ended in A4 999 had a devastating impact on the western forces, particularly the armies of Vangash, who suffered the most losses during the conflict. Among those losses were the Great Three Generals, beloved and revered leaders who were hailed as heroes across Cruul. Despite their bravery and military expertise, the Generals vanished from the face of Cruul without a trace, leaving many to speculate about the cause of their disappearance. Some believe they fell victim to curses, diseases, or the malevolent actions of evil forces. To this day, their loss is still mourned by countless individuals, cultures, and organizations.   General Tanner Smith: Tanner Smith was a beloved hero in Vangash known for his bravery and for slaying one of the Electric-Dragons of Second Sahond. Smith's armies were successful in capturing New Bay and much of Hor'ror, but sadly, he is recorded as missing in action at the end of the conflict.     General High Priest Nusk: Elom Nusk: The High priest of Na'tari's entire religion and defender of Church of New Light. Elom's armies successfully toppled much of Damoffia and Hor'ror. Nusk is recorded as missing in action at the end of the conflict.   General Nobel: Alfred Nobel "The exponential" : The greatest and most powerful wizard to walk Cruul and an alien from a different universe. Alfred's armies conquered much of Newbay and Hor'ror. Nobell is recorded as missing in action at the end of the conflict.    

The Four Horrors of Hor'ror.

The nightmarish war for Hor'ror became historically known for uncovering and ultimately destroying four clandestine operations of of B'zuuzhal called the "Four Horrors of Hor'ror". These horrors have driven many of the soldi   The Great Sacrifice of 999: As the allied forces of Vangash and Hamar marched into the lands of Hor'ror, they were met with a terrifying sight. It appeared that the government of Hor'ror had recently forced a statewide sacrifice to the evil god B'zuuzhal, and as a result, over 75,000 sacrificed human civilians had risen from the dead to become undead soldiers for the cause. These undead soldiers were sent to aid the Gorpleez government in the war, and they proved to be a formidable enemy. Despite the bravery and skill of the allied forces, the undead soldiers inflicted heavy casualties, with almost half of the allied forces being slain by the "Sacrificial Ones". This was one of four "Horrors of Hor'ror" that the allied forces encountered during the war, and it remains a chilling reminder of B'zuuzhal's power and influence even over his dead followers.   The Face Feeders of Hexas: For centuries, a powerful cult of faceless cannibals had lurked in the desserts of Hexas, preying upon travelers and consuming their faces (as well as their own). Fueled by their financial power and connections to the wealthy elite, these aristocratic maniacs used dark magic to control their victims and turn them into mindless servants. When the forces of good confronted this horror, they were met with an army of faceless slaves, willing to do the bidding of their grotesque masters. Despite the formidable threat they posed, the holy high priest Elom Nusk and his armies, guided by the goddess Na'tari, were able to defeat this one of the four "Horrors of Horror" and bring an end to their reign of terror.   The Fly Folk of Elm Valley: Here, in Elmtree, a horrible evil was discovered. A small collection of towns were worshiping maggots and house flies, eventually turning on the armies of good as they passed through. After slaying the insane Fly Cultists, the armies of goodness continued on until they were confronted with a vast valley filled only and entirely with with maggots. The sky was black with mature flies that continued to lay their endless eggs. A sentient wave of flies and maggots attacked , drowning entire armies, filling their lungs with the insects. Fighting through this, the forces of good finally discovered a giant 45ft tall maggot that seemed intelligent and angry. It was slain. This is one of the "Four Horrors" and it was defeated by Tanner Smith and his brave men.   The "Dark Farm: Deeply rooted in the culture of Haddon was a horrific industry that involved the birthing and harvesting of human offspring for a variety of grotesque purposes, including the creation of fashion items, cosmetics, and other products made from the bodies of children. The economic power of this operation was staggering, with almost all of the citizens of Haddon being loyal consumers of these macabre brands. When it was discovered by the forces of good, it was met with disgust and outrage, and was ultimately put to an end by the great alien wizard, Alfred Nobel "The exponential" and the armies under his command. This was the final of the four "Horrors of Hor'ror" that the forces of good encountered and ultimately defeated.  

After War.

After the war for Hor'ror, the remnants of the Hor'rorian government and its allies were scattered and in disarray. Many of the citizens of Hor'ror and its allies were left traumatized and struggling to rebuild their lives and communities in the aftermath of the conflict. The victorious allied forces, led by Vangash and Hamar, began the process of occupying and governing the conquered territories, working to establish order and stability in the region. Some members of the former Hor'rorian government and their supporters fled underground, forming secret societies and underground networks dedicated to continuing the fight against the allied forces and their allies. These groups were often linked to other dark and dangerous organizations, such as the cult of B'zuuzhal and other demonic forces, and they were known to carry out acts of terror and sabotage against the allied forces and their allies.   After the war, tales began to spread across Cruul about strange occurrences in the formerly occupied territories of Hor'ror, Damoffia, and New Bay. Some claimed to have seen ghostly apparitions of the undead soldiers that had risen to fight during the conflict, still haunting the battlefields where they had fallen. Others spoke of cursed forests and haunted cities, where the spirits of those who had suffered at the hands of the Hor'rorian government lingered, seeking revenge on the living. There were even rumors of a mysterious, shadowy figure that roamed the ruins of Hor'ror's capital city, said to be the embodiment of all the evil and suffering that had taken place during the war. Some claimed that anyone who dared to venture into the city after dark was never seen again, taken by the shadow to suffer an eternity of torment.   Despite these ominous tales, many people were drawn to the post-war lands, drawn by a sense of curiosity or a desire to help rebuild and heal the wounds inflicted by the conflict. Some even said that the horrors that had taken place during the war had imbued the land with a special kind of magic, a power that could be harnessed and harnessed to do great things.   Whether or not these stories are true remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the horrors of the Hor'ror war will never be forgotten, and the echoes of its atrocities will haunt Cruul for generations to come.  

Fall of Don Greedon Killavoni of Damoffia.

  After the war, Greedon Killavoni, the leader of Damoffia, was captured and sentenced to life in prison by the Allied forces. He was brought to Gleerium's state-of-the-art prison, known as "The Gleeri Hole," where he was to spend the rest of his days locked away.   At first, Killavoni was resigned to his fate and spent his days in his cell, thinking about all the mistakes he had made that led to his downfall. But as the years passed, he began to grow restless and bitter. He couldn't accept that his once-great nation had been defeated and his dreams of ruling over all of Cruul had been shattered.   As the years went by, Killavoni became more and more desperate to escape from his prison. He began to plot and scheme, looking for any possible way to break free. He made deals with other prisoners, bribing them with promises of power and wealth once he was free. He even went so far as to make a pact with the dark god B'zuuzhal, offering his soul in exchange for a way out of the Gleeri Hole.   But no matter what he tried, Killavoni remained trapped in his cell. He became more and more obsessed with escaping, until he was consumed by his own madness. He began to see enemies everywhere, even among his fellow prisoners, and was known to lash out at anyone who crossed him.   Despite all his efforts, Killavoni never managed to escape from the Gleeri Hole. He spent the rest of his days locked up, consumed by his own hatred and bitterness, until he eventually died in his cell, alone and forgotten.          

Fall of Don Veetony Farkoni of New Bay.

  After the fall of New Bay in the Hor'ror War, Don Veetony Farkoni, the former leader of New Bay, was captured and brought before a military tribunal to stand trial for war crimes. Farkoni was accused of committing numerous atrocities against civilians, including mass murder, torture, and enslavement. During the trial, evidence was presented against Farkoni that included testimony from survivors of his brutal regime and documentation of his involvement in various war crimes. Despite his attempts to defend himself and deny the charges, the evidence against him was overwhelming.   In the end, Farkoni was found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. He was sent to Gleerium's maximum security prison, known as the Gleeri Hole, where he would spend the rest of his days.   The fall of Farkoni marked the end of an era in New Bay, as the nation struggled to rebuild and heal from the trauma of the Hor'ror War. Many citizens were left with physical and emotional scars that would never fully heal, but they were determined to move forward and create a brighter future for themselves and their children.  

Fall of Damalah Gorpleez of Hor'ror.

  As the Legends of New Light stormed the head church of Hor'ror, they were met with a gruesome sight: the entire courtyard was filled with the drowned bodies of sailors and soldiers, a testament to the power of the evil god @B'zuuzhal and his followers. Undeterred, the heroes pressed on, using their magical abilities to teleport directly into the heart of the church. There, they came face to face with the leader of Hor'ror, Landlord Damalah Gorpleez, who stood at the altar surrounded by a horde of loyal followers. Without hesitation, the heroes sprang into action, cutting down Damalah's guards with deadly precision. As the fighting raged on, Damalah retreated deeper into the church, seeking refuge in her private chambers. But the heroes were hot on her heels, and as they burst through the doors, they found the Landlord cowering in fear. Without hesitation, they beheaded her, putting an end to her reign of terror once and for all. But as they searched through Damalah's chambers, they discovered that her powerful ring, which she used to control the emotions of her followers, had been taken to safety by her loyal doll golem, "Bucky". Undeterred, the heroes vowed to track down the golem and destroy the ring, ensuring that the evil of Hor'ror could never rise again.

The END of the Legends of Newlight.

After successfully overthrowing three nations and taking the unholy life of Head Priest of B'zuuzhal, Damalah Gorpleez, the party vanished from history with no record of their fate. Rumors on what happened to Tanner, Elom and Alfred run wild across all of Cruul, but truly nobody knows the truth but Lord Wallace Cloudfolk III.  

The END of Newlight.

Tragically this session was declared a TPK and the official end of the Campaign of New Light. This game saw the losing of Tanner Smith, Alfred Nobel and Elom Nusk. May they rest in the light forever.


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