Bogzoggool son of B'zuuzhal Character in Cruul | World Anvil

Bogzoggool son of B'zuuzhal (BOG-ZOG-GOOL)

The strongest son of B'zuuzhal, refused entry into Cruul's mortal realm when defeated in hell by the Legends of New Light. Bogzoggool is now the furthest down a devil can be sent in B'zuuzhal's domain, and he will not be ready for rebirthing for another 1000 years.   Boggzoggool was destined to inhabit the body and soul of Beth Henry through a long ritual of demonic evils, but was saved this damnation by The Legends of New Light. Beth became adpted by Peter Henry after the defeat of both Bogzoggool and Damalah Gorpleez at the end of The Great Hor'ror War in A4 999.


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