Orbious FowlKrumm Character in Cruul | World Anvil

Orbious FowlKrumm (ORB-EE-US FOWL-CRUM)

Head Director Special First Agent Fowlkrumm.

Orbious Fowlkrumm is a world famous living mage who resides in the kingdom of Vangash serving the government there. His position as Special First Agent and Head Director of the BMSI (The Bureau of Magical Study and Investigation,) allows him direct access to the deepest secrets of the Kingdom and all of the magical happenings within it. He is known for being cold and logical with a strong dislike for religious organizations and the people who flock to them. He is lawful in his duties and carries them out with swift efficiency that never strays from a legal path. Orbious is well respected by his peers and feared by countless individuals all across Cruul.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The toll of his service has clearly been taken on Orbious Fowlkrumm. His face has become hollow and long with his eyes sinking deep into his aged skull. No longer is the handsome man of his youth. Now he is a thin and frail looking figure that brings an uncomfortable shadow to any table he sits at.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orbious has served the BMSI since he graduated so many decades ago. In his youth he was a focused and studied agent who strived to close all his cases in success. During those years he saw many things that would drive most men insane- many details of those events remain classified still today. By his 20th year in service, Orbious had acquired Special Agent rank of 32, achieving the coveted "Top 30" spot earlier than any other agent in the history of the BMSI.     By his late middle age, Orbious had become the #2 Special Agent and was widely seen as one of the most successful living mages in the world. After his superior (Head Director VonHector) was assassinated by demonic zealots of Hixx'lixxapis , Orbious obtained command of the BMSI as the new Special First Agent "Head Director Fowlkrumm".   For 3 decades Orbious has directed the opertations of the BMSI with impressive effectiveness. He has faced all sorts of demons and dark magi alike. His list of personal accomplishments are mostly classified and only accessible under highest athority. The BMSI has run more effectively, and efficiently, under his command than ever before. The BMSI is further fueled by his undying drive to protect the entire realm from supernatural destruction.


Orbious is a proud graduate of the Yaarvard Academy of Sorcery, and is held as a living spokesmen for the school. He has donated entire treasuries of wealth to YAS and often teaches there as a professor of Magical Law. He achieved the highest honors during his time as a student and graduated top of his class.


Orbious works as the Head Director of the BMSI, allowing him access to the kingdoms deepest and most sensitive secrets. His job is to direct and orchestrate the many offices of the BMSI against supernatural threats to the crown.    He also teaches Magical Law at Yaarvard Academy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Tracked down and killed the assassin who murdered Head Director Hector.
  • Achieved level 3 by age 21.
  • Stopped the DoppleGang Invasion- 978 Modern yr. (discovered Dopplegangers)
  • Located and destroyed the head church of B'zuuzhal "God of Lies and betrayal" - 965 Modern yr.
  • Classified.
  • Classified.
  • Classified.
  • Classified.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failed to suspect or detect the assassin who killed head Director hector.
  • Failed to detect the doppleganger invasion before they infiltrated government offices.
  • Has lost 33 partners on duty. 
  • Classified.
  • Classified.
  • Classified.
  • Can't swim.

Mental Trauma

Orbious has seen more horror than most men ever will imagine. This being the case, Orbious has become a man who is hard to connect with emotionally. Many have described speaking with him as uncomfortable and almost interrogative- like speaking to a clockwork thing. Indeed he has suffered many mental trauma's, but his mind has learned to benefit from them. Nothing frightens him anymore. Nothing can bribe or buy his favor. He is clockwork in his abilities, and emotion no longer has a place in his operations.

Intellectual Characteristics

Orbious is slow to speak, and never grandiose with his prose. He speaks directly and to the point. He is always calm and calculating in all things he is doing. He is known for lacking fear in the face of death and damnation, seeing his duty more important than his own safety or eternity. He publicly teaches as a professor of magical law, where he demands mortal humans to throw off their godly shackles and live free away from clerical rule.

Morality & Philosophy

Orbious is a lawful man who believes in magical order. He knows that magics and Gods are powerful enough to destroy entire races foolish enough to misuse or anger them. He believes magic should only be allowed to mages of proper training and background. Though being legal- he detests clerics of all kind, seeing them as zealots playing with unpredictable forces too wild to be allowed to mortals.   He strives to maintain the King's good law and has taken an oath to uphold Vangash in the face of all supernatural danger.


Orbious has a serious dislike for clerical magic and would rather suffer or die than receive healing from such a source. He does not find clerical advice or help to be productive even when it is. This personal bias against clerics is almost obsessive and can sway his mood or actions.

Personality Characteristics


Orbious lives only to rid the world of magical threats. Though his oath demands he must protect Vangash, he personally feels it is his duty to protect and cleanse the world of supernatural dangers. He knows the 5th age arrives swiftly soon, and that fact pushes him to spend his days prepping and persecuting for his kingdom.

Likes & Dislikes

These days it is hard to know what Orbious truly likes. It is clear he strives to conquer his enemies and see his realm safe from supernatural harm- but no sign of pleasure or relief is ever detected in his graven face. His colleges often say "Head Director Fowlkrumm is no longer a man- he is only a magical momentum."

Virtues & Personality perks

Orbious has access to great wealth and lives high above normal kingdom standard, but still he does not waste wealth on petty or frivolous things. His wealth is put more to the use of funding magical research, education and in building his tomb. He has many men and women under his control and knows exactly how each one performs under any form of pressure or combat. He can call on personal favor of even the King who he advises often. He has almost endless reach and amazing personal security.

Vices & Personality flaws

His stance on clerics is often a weakness to personal and professional moments in his life. His inability to see clerical power apart from the individual who wields it- is at least problematic at times. He also has an all consuming obsession with the 5th age. He has dedicated most of his life to discovering what horrors are sure to come, and how to defeat it when it comes.

Personality Quirks

Orbious is often found looking through those who he speaks with, almost ignoring them as he speaks. He can stare off for long moments of times where those around him worry if he is still awake and just sleeping with his eyes open.


Contacts & Relations

Orbious is well respected even as far as Ecava. He has been fondly received in the magical world- but politically seen as a menace by most god-fearing nations.  The BMSI is not welcomed to operate in any single nation outside Vangash and Orbious is often seen as a blasphemous beast in places where Godly Law reigns.   
  • Hamar- See Orbious as blasphemous and criminal.
  • Dwarves- Dislike BMSI but agree magic needs control. 
  • Elves- Will kill Orbious if possible
  • Ecava- Respect Orbious but disagree with his methods.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The only lawful good cleric is a lawful dead cleric".
Known Languages
Speaks and reads Common, Crim, Elven, Dwarven, Skezian, Gnome, Halfling, Demon.


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