Ti Mangi System Geographic Location in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Ti Mangi System (Tee Man-gi)


The Ti Mangi System consisted of 3 planets, orbiting a single B7 V Blue-white Main Sequence star, Ti Mangi.  

Ti Mangi

Stellar Class: B7 V Blue-white Main Sequence
Radius: 5.36 x 106 km
Mass: 4.78 x 1031 kg
Temperature: 14900 K
Luminosity: 1.01 x 1030 W

Ti Emper

Type: Chthonian Planet
Orbital Period: 285.6 Typical Days
Rotational Period 53 Typical Hours
Radius: 23455.55 km
Gravity: 36.19 m/s2
Species: None

Ti Bitu

Type: Chthonian Planet
Orbital Period: 562.8 Typical Days
Rotational Period 41.4 Typical Hours
Radius: 27358.08 km
Gravity: 45.56 m/s2
Species: None

Ti Osonat

Type: Pangean Planet
Orbital Period: 57.41 Typical Years (24,112.2 Typical Days, 12,365.2 Local Days)
Rotational Period 33.20 Typical Hours (1 Local Day)
Radius: 9704.38 km
Gravity: 15.16 m/s2
Species: Osonat (Native), Nod (Emigrants)


Ti Mangi is the home system of the Osonat species.   The Osonat lived solely on Ti Osonat, though they had a fairly developed interplanetary navy, which they used to protect their planet from the frequent impact events that the Osonat experienced between 3183 BFP and 2750 after the breakup of Ti Bitu during an extreme solar storm.   The Nod made first contact with the Osonat in 2811 when the Jopbaut-Class Colony Ship Vinetbaut III reached Ti Osonat 190 years after leaving the Nodum System. The first contact was mostly peaceful, though tensions started to grow between the colonists of the Vinetbaut III and the governments of Ti Osonat when the Nods learned that the planet of the Osonat was the only habitable planet in the system. A deal was made between Charge Envoy Lotte eaHasloon and a team of Ambassadors from the Prosperity Coalition for the Nods to given a space 148,460km2 along the south east coast of Dagipola to settle (which the Nods call Jopbautum) in exchange for providing the Osonat with improved interplanetary engines and weaponry to combat the Ti Bitu Asteroid Field.
Alternative Name(s)
Jopsaff Sheeopa (pre-Nod-Osonat Contact)
Solar System
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Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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