Corrum Galaxy Geographic Location in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Corrum Galaxy (Core-Um)


Corrum is a Ring Galaxy, meaning the arms of the galaxy form a singular ring around a core nebula. Corrum is unique in the known galaxy, in that it's ring is a nearly perfect circle.   There are around 8 billion stars in Corrum. The Ring of the galaxy is approximately 120,000 light years across.   The inner nucleus of the Galaxy, Gemm, is a golden coloured collection of stars, gasses and intense gravity.

Localized Phenomena

The Dark Wall is the area of space between the Inner Disc of Corrum and Gemm. A dangerous, unpredictable cloud of dark matter, rogue planets, gravitational anomalies and other, unknown hazards that keeps the many civilizations of Corrum within the Galaxy itself.

Fauna & Flora

Anywhere between 500,000 million and 3 billion stars in Corrum have planets, and an unknown amount of those planets house life of some kind.


The first Nods leave their home planet of Nodum and begin exploring beyond their own System in 3001 BFP.   A collation of the 4 largest Nod governments, along with a few non-Nod species, come together to form the Alliance of Prosperous Societies in 2011 BFP. By 2005 BFP, the APS began aggressively expanding their territories, annexing or invading planets and conquering, assimilating or wiping out the native populations of these worlds along the way. By the end of 2003, dozens of alliances, unions, independant planets and resistance groups sprang up across Corrum and before long, almost the entire galaxy was involved in what came to be known as the War of Devastation.   2003 years after the start of the War of Devastation, the remaining major factions come together to sign the Final Peace on the now destroyed world of Nodum.   1 AFP sees Corrum enter a new era of fragile peace. While APS still exists, its influence and territory was a fraction of what it was at the start of the war. There are no longer any real superpowers left in the galaxy, and some of the most powerful organizations are scavengers, pirates and manufacturing companies.
Alternative Name(s)
Hoag's Object (Earth Name)
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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