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Duke, Thydian

Duties of the Rank

The defining trait of a Duke is typically the amount of land they control, and the size of the army they could raise within their lands should they or their Arle call for an army. Most Arles also carry a Duke title as their lesser title, often passed down to their heir apparent for formal occasions.


A Duke primarily governs over a large portion of an Arling and is, like the other noble ranks, the day-to-day authority for most people of their region.

Social Status

A Duke is typically the highest rank within an Arling, and as a result, rarely have people of lower ranks refer to them as equals. The exceptions would be nobles who, as a result of how the Arling is arranged, also directly answer to the same Arle,and an Arle's Housecarl.


The title of Duke is typically inherited. Should a person wind up inheriting multiple holdings that would be more than a barony alone, they may become a Duke.


The closest to "declining" the appointment to the title of Duke, would be to abdicate. Abdication is also used to pass on a title to an heir while the original title holder is still alive. A former Duke, still retains the form of address as a Duke, unless they've been stripped of their title.

Title Stripping

Being stripped of a title is a mark of social shame and rarely done unless the person had commited a crime against their Arle, or their High King in the few times the title had been held.

Nobility, Hereditary
Reports directly to

People With The Rank

Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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