

Alchemists fall into two categories - magical alchemists, and non-magical alchemists, and they have existed since long before people began to record anything. Some claim the gods associated with healing gifted mortals with the knowledge to begin their practices, others say their gods never made any action to support that claim.


Purpose and Service

Non-magical alchemists are often called "herbalists" as they primarily use herbs for medical treatments and midwifery. They are found across Soplas in nearly every settlement.   Magical alchemists often use the same skills as herbalists and infuse their drafts, tinctures, and poultices with magical effects. They're less common, but often found in cities with signs outside their shops bearing regional symbols for magical potions.

Social Status

While nearly everyone knows the bare basics of how to treat common injuries, a person who knows how to do more is valued. Any kind of alchemist who is skilled enough to support their neighbors will generally not need to work a farm but will maintain their herb gardens.

Other Benefits

Herbalist or magical, alchemists are viewed as important members of society. If a town has an alchemist, they are most likely to be the local doctor.


Alchemists are a legal profession, though they do have the ability to make legally or socially controlled concoctions such as sleeping draughts or tranquilizer compounds leading to the need for ledgers and dosage records to be kept, just as they are kept by merchants for the same products.



Most Alchemists conduct their business at home, or hold a shop. The majority tend to their own gardens



Dangers and Hazards

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    Cover image: by Lyraine Alei, Midjourney


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