Islenda Klonna Anduri Thuskos Character in Corgeria | World Anvil
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Islenda Klonna Anduri Thuskos

Lady of the Empire Islenda Klonna Anduri-Thuskos

The younger daughter of Klonna and Khandora. Like her older sister, Khymeria, she is a tall, glamorous, physically imposing young women with blue eyes and golden blond hair. Also like her sister she has been trained as a warrior. She typically dresses in white and has silver plate armor. Her primary interests are horses and dogs. She is already an accomplished horsewoman who owns several well-bred mounts and is usually accompanied by one or more dogs. She is also enthusiastic about jousting.  She holds the rank of Lieutenant on detached duty of the Imperial Guard, a job description that typically belongs to people who function as the Empress fixers.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Islenda is a fit and highly trained warrior. She methodically goes through and hour or more of combat drills everyday.

Facial Features

Islenda has an elegant face with high cheekbones, bue eyes and fair skin framed by golden blond hair.

Apparel & Accessories

Islenda favors white clothing. She typically wears a flowing white cloak, a white tunic and white breeches. If she goes for color she will dress in bright blues.

Specialized Equipment

Islenda typically wears polished silver plate armor. She favors a long sword as a personal weapon, but is also skilled with a long bow and the lance.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Islenda was educated at the Palace school along with the children of the Empress. She learned her fighting skills from her co-mothers and sparring with members of the Imperial Guard.


Officially, Islenda is an officer cadet in the Imperial Guard. In reality she has been recognized as being ready for more independent work on the part of crown which is developing a group of young members of the imperial clan to carry out special missions.

Intellectual Characteristics

Although very well-educated and bright, Islenda is not deeply intellectual with a strong interest in developing her physical skills in such areas as weapons training, horseback riding and hunting.

Morality & Philosophy

Islenda is very honest and trustworthy. She is the sort of person who can always be relied on to keep her word.

Personality Characteristics


Islanda wants to prove herself as a valuable member of the clan. She feels like she's been out shown by many of the young women of her generation.

Vices & Personality flaws

Islenda can come across as a stiff, upper-class snob. This is a result of her feeling insecure about her status within the clan. She is very much fixated on the idea of marrying one of the princesses, but has no idea which one.




Family Ties

Daughter of the Empress Atheneis' Sword Sisters Klonna and Khandora, Islenda is considered part of the Royal Clan. She has grown up with the Imperial princesses.

Religious Views

As is typical for members of the Imperial Court, Islenda is primarily, but the not exclusively a worshiper of Alya and Khanna. She is not deeply religious, but definitely takes the teachings of these two faiths seriously.

Social Aptitude

Islenda is comfortable with other members of the upper classes, but can come across as stiff and snobbish when dealing with other kinds of the people. To some degree her great physical beauty and good manners help make up for these defects in social interactions.

Hobbies & Pets

Islenda owns several dogs, including two large dogs that often accompany her in her travels and a smaller dogs that live in her quarters. She owns a warhorse and a pair of excellent riding horses given to her by her parents.


Islenda has a very refined and formal way of speaking. She is always very careful to use excellent grammar and avoids cursing.


Khymeria Thuskos Majara Anduri

Sister (Vital)

Towards Islenda Klonna Anduri Thuskos



Islenda Klonna Anduri Thuskos

Sister (Vital)

Towards Khymeria Thuskos Majara Anduri



Wealth & Financial state

Islenda has an apartment in the Imperial Palace. She receives a modest allowance from her parents, but most of her wealth is wrapped up in her possessions which include an excellent warhorse, armor, weapons and a upper class wardrobe. She is looking for opportunities to create some independent wealth.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight of the Empire, Lieutenant of the Imperial Guard
Year of Birth
967 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Islenda was conceived using the spell of change and carried to term by Khandora.
Current Residence
Curly Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
If you want true loyalty, get a dog.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Northron, High Corgerian, Danite

Lady Islenda Klonna Anduri Thuskos

Fighter 5 Class & Level
Noble Background
Corgerian Race
Lawful Good Alignment

Strength 17
Dexterity 17
constitution 16
intelligence 15
wisdom 14
charisma 17
Total Hit Dice 5
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+3 Strength
+2 Dexterity
+3 Constitution
+2 Intelligence
+2 Wisdom
+3 Charisma
saving throws
+3 Acrobatics
+5 Animal Handling
+2 Arcana
+3 Athletics
+3 Deception
+5 History
+2 Insight
+3 Intimidation
+2 Investigation
+2 Medicine
+2 Nature
+5 Perception
+3 Performance
+5 Persuasion
+2 Religion
+3 Sleight of Hands
+3 Stealth
+2 Survival

Armor Class
Hit Points
Long SwordTo Hit +7Damage 1-8+4Two Handed 1-10+4
Long BowTo Hit +8Damage 1-8+3
Dagger High QualityTo Hit +7Damage 1-4+3
LanceTo Hit +6Damage 1-8+3
All Armor, Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Persuasion, History, Animal Handling, Perception
Plate Armor +1, Shield, Long Sword +1, Long Bow, 20 Arrows, Dagger

Fighting Style - Archery (+2 on attack rolls), Second Wind, Action Surge, Martial Archetype (Champion): Improved Critical Hit, Extra Attack
Features & Traits

Heroes Enabled


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