The Harlade Mountains Geographic Location in Cordeca | World Anvil
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The Harlade Mountains

Between the alpine peaks of the Harlade, a nation was built. Powerful human cities of marble and granite perch atop mountain slopes and lounge beside glimmering glacial lakes. Their citizens enriched themselves on trade. Wholesome produce and wheat with grains like broadheads migrated southward from the golden plains and mixed well with cheap labor fleeing the coast’s oppressive humidity and sickness. Arbor communities secreted away between the Hardlade’s thick conifers, offered up delicate elvenwares to the cities’ merchants. Strong dwarven-steels were extracted from deep within the mountain-homes and armed the legions of men who kept their cities sovereign and unsullied.   In the year 540, a plague birthed itself in the city of Wattry, on the southern edge of the Harlades. Virulent and unchecked, it quickly spread among the burghers and was carried northward by the same industrious trade routes which breathed life into the confederation. For a decade the confederation has fought a losing battle against the plague. Towns and cities across the confederation were decimated as bodies piled in the streets and in shallow mass graves dug in the rocky soil. Necromantic abominations terrorized the living, invigorated by the surfeit of death.   The dwarves sealed shut the great stone doors of their mountain-homes. The elves moved their tree-cities to deeper and darker parts of the forest. And the once-prosperous citizens of the confederation’s city states scattered to the rhumbs. They say one in two harlade men died to the plague, or to its consequences.   Now a decade-on, a new rumor spreads among the expatriate confederates: the plague is dead! Starved for new blood, it has burned out and the cities are safe again!  

Human Counties & Settlements

  1. Aubourg
  2. Bordy
  3. Ellothrond
  4. Dietmar
  5. Frisograf
  6. Denebruck*; Blomkirchen; Chage; Laudon; Westinde
  7. Fontia
  8. Fontia*; Rame; Montrie, Tige, Dremble
  9. Genedorf
  10. Genedorf*;
  11. Gundehofen
  12. Obenstadt*; Male; Vigny; Bezon; Etterberg; Innsten; Dubbridge
  13. Kerseruck
  14. Lanternlight
  15. Raviernruck
  16. Sigelruck
  17. Wattry
  18. Wilbruigh

Dwarven Mountainhomes

There are 9 dwarven mountainhomes in the harlades (which are known to men).  


The Harlades are a high-mountainous region, south of Dartwheat and west of Nobis.   The Hardlades are primarily composed of hard minerals like granite and diorite (I'm too drunk to remember my geology; we're looking for medium-density hard minerals).


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