Military of the Harlade Confederation Organization in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Military of the Harlade Confederation


During peace-time, units of the various Harlades Military corps operate independently, providing security for their native counties.   When war is declared by the Congress of the The Harlade Confederation, each county is obligated to muster and staff a Corps - sized proportional to the population of the county. The independent corps are then unified under a single army command hierarchy - which provides centralized coordination of the war effort.   County-corps are commanded by a general staff member promoted by the count, who temporarily occupies a Lieutenant General rank within the centralized command structure.   Organization within the county-corps are diverse, though most field at least one brigade-sized unit.  


Harlades Twenty-First Confderate Field Army
Military, Armed Forces
Alternative Names
The Harlades Military
Ruling Organization


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