Aelinthrae Organization in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Aelinthrae is a massive copse of ingrown trees, which function as a single organism and as the home of the Aelinthrae Elves.


Aelinthrae is a semi-anarchic commune of elvan families. Disputes between families are resolved by an elected Speaker, who also functions as the tribe's head of state when dealing with other settlements in the Harlades.


Aelinthrae hosts an elven militia with a nominal strength of 113 elves, though the speaker has the authority to muster the whole adult population of the tribe to its defense, in the case of an emergency.   During The Concord of Black Invasion of 550, Aelinthrae hosted the remainder of the Harlean Ellothrond Rangers, as they waged guerrilla defense of the Valley Ellothrond.

Foreign Relations

Aelinthrae is a semi-autonomous elvan collective within The Harlade Confederation. They hold no political power within the human confederation, but retain an observer's seat at important meetings of the human counties, and enjoy positive relations with the human county Ellothrond.
Founding Date
12221-13-21 (221 E2)
Geopolitical, Tribe
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Gift economy
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species


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