Shackleton Organization in Consternation | World Anvil
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I'll fight to free this planet, with my last breath!
— Kenneth Anderson
  The Resistance is a loosely-organised group with the primary goal of removing Keln opposition of Earth, specifically Berkner where the organisation mainly operates. Although currently the organisation mainly focuses on helping citizens, as they currently have nowhere near the amount of firepower needed to fight the Keln.   The organisation is named after Shackleton Range, a mountain range in West Antarctica where the organisation allegedly has a secret underground base that has yet to be located by the Keln Empire. Shackleton is led by Jacques Lambert , a mysterious leader rarely seen even by high-ranking members of the group.


The organisation operates in a pyramid structure, the higher you are up the pyramid the more you are aware of the organisation's current missions and goals. Everything revolves around a need-to-know basis.   At the bottom of the pyramid are casual informants and sympathisers, those who may be willing to point refugees in the right direction and offer them food, those who are willing to notify safe-houses of incoming patrols. Above them, are casual agents and safe-house owners. They have greater involvement in the actions of Shackleton, but know very little about major plans and usually aren't involved in them - generally providing shelter and assisting in minor activities such as deliveries and intelligence.   Above them are the field agents, they are often the ones carrying out major missions and are organised into several groups. They will often have contact with safe-house owners and provide orders to the casual agents. At this point, members are known only by nicknames in an effort to protect their identity. Field-agents will often have a wide knowledge of Shackleton's plans and goals.   Finally, above the field agents are the leaders. Comprised of only a few individuals, the leaders are responsible for the overall workings of Shackleton and know everything about the organisation. At the top, is Jacques Lambert - the founder of Shackleton and the man who oversees its every activity.

Public Agenda

Shackleton's public agenda is clear - remove every trace of the Keln Empire's occupation of Earth. However, they currently focus on assisting individuals in danger of assassination and disrupting Keln activities at a low level.


Shackleton has a large amount of field agents, casual agents, informants and sympathisers that all contribute to the running of the organisation and ensure everything is successful. They are in charge of dozens of safe-houses, usually discreetly marked with the logo of the organisation and located throughout the city. It also operates several larger bases in rural areas, far from the reaches of the Keln Empire.   However, Shackleton lacks funding for its operations and often struggles to pay for all its equipment and bribes - relying mostly on anonymous donations from the public. It also receives a decent payout from the larger criminal gangs - who pay for information on Keln patrol routes and imminent searches. Although many have expressed disdain for receiving money from criminals, their payouts are essential for the group's operations.



Shackleton was founded shortly after the Keln invasion by Jacques Lambert - a former general for West Antarctica. The group participated in many of the riots that occurred during the early days of the occupation, with Lambert making several speeches to the crowds before he went permanently undercover.  

Shackleton Riots

The Shackleton Riots were the main event that brought attention to the organisation, and made them a significant threat in the eyes of the Keln. A few months after the invasion, the beloved former Prime Minister of West Antarctica, Kennth Anderson, was giving an anti-Keln speech to a crowd. He was then killed in broad daylight by Enforcers. A riot quickly erupted amongst the crowd, which turned into a small-scale battle after Shackleton's agents armed the population.   The riots lasted several days, as large swathes of the city were taken over by rioting citizens. Shackleton became the primary belligerent in the riot, organising hits and arming the populace. Eventually, reinforcements arrived from the homeworld of the Keln Empire and the captured areas of the city quickly fell under the boot of the reinforcements, with many of the known instigators being executed as punishment.   Although the riots ended in defeat, the event brought Shackleton into the public eye - resulting in far more donations and a sudden surge in informants. From that day on, Shackleton was well known to the public - and to the Empire.

For Freedom!

Secret, Military
Alternative Names
The Resistance
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Shackleton Riots

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Dec 6, 2018 20:31 by Evi

Hey there, i was wondering, who is the qoute by? the leader? and what are some famous deeds/achievements/failures of the resistance?

Dec 6, 2018 20:50 by artificial_infinity

Hey! I'll update the article to include all of that - thanks for the idea!