Ciphrus Post-Event Tornia Timeline

Post-Event Tornia

This describes all of the events starting from 12556 onward.

The New World

12556 4th Era and beyond

This references a point in time in which the Ciphrus civilizations fell asunder, leaving little or no government influence on the majority of the planet.

  • Event, New World
    The Event
    Plague / Epidemic

    The global pandemic of 12556, also known as the Event, was a widespread phenomenon which ended with the destruction of modern civilization. In ten days, a single pandemic was capable of wiping out nearly 25% of the global population, and infecting another five billion. Within two months, 60% of the population had been either infected or dead, leaving the entire planet in disarray.

  • 12557 N.W.

    12558 N.W.

    Establishment of the Walls
    Population Migration / Travel

    In the anarchy, the I.H.M.D. set up Walls as defensive citadels against the lawlessness and disease that the planet had inherited. One by one, they fell, until five were left.   The One Wall The Left Wall The Right Wall The Top Wall The Black Wall

  • 12558 N.W.

    12558 N.W.

    The Fall of the Black Wall

    After inadequate care of the Black Wall, located in Valu City, the civilian population revolted against the militaristic leadership of the Wall. In retaliation to their mistreatment, after the procurement of I.H.M.D. supplies, they launched several attacks on Beylu City from the south, eventually spawning Rejection.

    Beylu City
  • 12558 N.W.

    12558 N.W.

    Foundation of Contempora

    After the fall of the Black Wall, the residents were forced to abandon the structure due to repeated floods. Instead, they took over the upper levels of the towers in Valu City, commuting by either boat, or long catwalks between towers. Here, the settlement of Contempora was founded, being one of the first settlements to arise in the ashes of the Old World.

  • 12559 N.W.

    12560 N.W.

    The Founding of the A.R.D.

    The foundation of the A.R.D. proved to be beneficial for the entire region of Selahktia, providing an important route to Tamper City from groups who may still be alive in the city. The I.H.M.D. had lost contact with the city after the Event, and using the train channels through Usivale, were able to reestablish connection to the city in an attempt to restore order.

    More reading
    Usivale (A.R.D.)
  • 12559 N.W.

    12559 N.W.

    Geological / environmental event

    After repeated attempts to siege the city, Rejection was created in effort to sway the people of Contempora to cease their attacks. While it only made them more angry, there have not been any further attacks on the city as of late.

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  • 12559 N.W.

    12559 N.W.

    Revolution at the One Wall

    After constant clashes from military and civilians at the One Wall, with each becoming more and more violent, the independent civilian corp managed to come away peacefully from the conflict, forming an unofficial truce between the civilians and the I.H.M.D.   As a result, civilians were allowed to leave the Wall, so long as they agreed never to come back. This fixed the overpopulation issue at the time, as well as the civil unrest.

  • 12559 N.W.

    12559 N.W.

    Executio Foothold on West Tornun
    Political event

    After the western end of Tornun, which had a higher Diphrin population, was left without a Wall or adequate supplies compared to the East, they formed a conglomerate of separate groups of people all united under a singular cause: to rebuild society. This cause would be led by a mysterious figure known as "Blink" as their representative. Additionally, a second group led by Justicar would form a likely union, giving rise to what is known as Executio.

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  • 12560 N.W.

    12561 N.W.

    Foundation of Mount Haven

    The Foundation of Mount Haven marked an important and key milestone for the United Tamper Republic, as the name started to gain foothold in the western ends of Selahktia, restoring hope of a new nation out of the ashes of the old ones.

  • 12560 N.W.

    12563 N.W.

    Operation King of Hearts
    Military action

    In a broad attempt to stabilize the city, the I.H.M.D. launched several counter-attacks against all factions that had taken a foothold in Beylu City, turning the region into a warzone.

  • 12560 N.W.

    12561 N.W.

    United Tamper Republic (U.T.R.)
    Construction beginning/end

    As the civilian populations of Tamper City began to rebuild, they reunited under a common flag, known as the United Tamper Republic. Their reign was short, but strong and held not with an iron fist, but with a will of the people. The United Tamper Republic would soon show the populations of not just Selahktia, but the entire planet, that ingenuity is the mother of civilization, and that all was not lost.

  • 12561 N.W.

    12562 N.W.

    Dulurouse Corporation and the E.B.C.
    Military action

    An old military contractor before the Event, the Dulurouse Corporation was apart of the Big Five corporations that controlled Tornun. They seceded from the I.H.M.D. and constructed further complexes north of Rochman Forest. In 12561, they revealed themselves, and in striking a deal with the I.H.M.D., licensed the use of the East Black Cat (E.B.C.) wing. There, supplied with state of the art technology and hired for their tactical and technical expertise, East Black Cat operators spanned across the wastes with the mission of restoring order to Tornia.

    More reading
    East Black Cats
  • 12561 N.W.

    Foundation of Lin

    The Foundation of Lin allowed for an important rest stop for caravans coming in from the Undatan southwestern mountain range. Taking over the old town of Lin, it made its money off tourists, and eventually started trade in the Mediator Tech industry in 12564.

  • 12561 N.W.


    I.H.M.D. denounces the U.T.R.
    Political event

    The I.H.M.D. did not necessarily see eye to eye with the U.T.R. In an act of defiance, the I.H.M.D. labeled the U.T.R. a terrorist organization, both appealing to the Dulurouse and patriotic citizens of the Walls. From then on, they pushed further, until hostilities could not restrain themselves any longer.

  • 12561 N.W.

    12562 N.W.


    The Tamper City Wars
    Military action

    After much tension, the rope finally snapped, and an invasion on the United Tamper Republic in Tamper City raged for nearly a year, completely decimating much of the infrastructure that the civilian population had worked hard to refurbish and maintain.

  • 12562 N.W.


    The Asteroid Makes another Pass

    In an elliptical and irregular orbit, the asteroid managed to pass Ciphrus again, once coating it in even more of the disease than previously estimated. A prepared populace managed to survive it, but not without increase threat to even more areas, as well as increased carbon storm frequency.

  • 12562 N.W.


    The Collapse of the U.T.R.

    After the wars, the nation was split in two major political factions. Loyalists, who believed in the original vision of the U.T.R., thought that rebuilding and necessary adjustments could be made to start anew. Alternates, those who believed in a separate governing system and migration, were adamant on switching locations as well as reforming the government. Soon, the factions further radicalized, and disagreements quickly turned personal. The establishment quickly collapsed, leaving the city lawless once again.

  • 12562 N.W.

    12563 N.W.


    Humanity's Contact
    Discovery, Scientific

    After reactivation with the Nursery, several members of the species known as the Third Humanity were found in orbit of Ciphrus. These members quickly made contact with several U.T.R. high ranking officers. After the U.T.R. collapsed, Humanity had gone under hiding once again until their reemergence in 12563, from both the town of Lin, and the Nursery, sparking a wide migration of the handful on Ciphrus to move towards the Nursery to serve in the effort of the Mediators.

  • 12562 N.W.

    12563 N.W.


    A Quieter World

    For the rest of the year of 12562, the world appeared quieter. Besides the struggles of the wastelands, there were no new advancements on the Tornia continent.

  • 12563 N.W.


    Technological achievement

    After decades of research, Craxos va Dulurouse, a high and prominent member of the Dulurouse family, created a Termoyl-based artificial intelligence, capable of simulating true emotion and self learning. His prototype was known as N.I.C.C.I., or the Neural Installation for Consciousness and Conscience Initiative. Nicci, namesake to the project, was his prototype. He, along with the help of a Knomnolite, explored the wastelands in search of a rumored and mysterious ruin among the Undatan Mountains.

    More reading
    Craxos va Dulurouse
  • 12563 N.W.


    Discovery of the Nursery
    Discovery, Exploration

    The discovery of the nursery fundamentally changed the world forever, introducing a mass production of line new, self aware mechanical beings, known as the Mediators. With the blueprints from N.I.C.C.I., Craxos va Dulurouse was able to build an entirely new society of dedicated machines.

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  • 12563 N.W.


    The Ship of 12563
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    In strange succession, a large vessel from unknown origins appeared above the skies of rural Selahktia. The vessel being kilometers in size, it crashed into the Selahktian farmlands, and the boom could be heard all across the hemisphere. The result was a massive crater, but as crew moved to inspect the site, they never returned. Now, all that's left is a crater with no further debris, prompting further inquiries as to what the nature of the celestial and catastrophic phenomena was.

  • 12563 N.W.

    12564 N.W.


    Mediator Industrialization and Founding of the Galagon
    Technological achievement

    In a fit of production, with the guide of the Third Humanity, the Mediators were able to rise from the Undatan Mountains and into orbit with a half constructed space station capable of habitation by the end of the season and the start of the next year. This greatly disturbed essentially every party capable of say in the matter on Ciphrus.

    The Galagon
  • 12563 N.W.


    Project Remedy

    In simultaneous communication, the Humanity, which had now taken kindly to the Galagon, had coordinated a peace effort for the factions on Ciphrus. When a peace deal could not be reached, the I.H.M.D. strictly forbid any contact with the Mediators. With no further communication, the Galagon decided to initiate PRoject Remedy. The project in mind was intended for full-scale colonization of the planet, although it was not without hostility. In the winter of new year 12564, after many attempts to re-establish order in Tamper City, their constructed structures were abandoned for more favorable landing zones on the Vai continent, leading to heaves of technology left behind.

    More reading
    Project Remedy
  • 12564 N.W.

    Winter of 12564
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the Ship of 12563, the world started to inexplicably lower in temperature. The causes are unknown, but the winter ahead was especially cruel compared to the last four on record, and there appears to be no signs of stopping the global drop in temperature.

  • 12564 N.W.


    The Great Vanishing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    After the Ship of 12563, a phenomenon known as the Great Vanishing took place mainly on the Vai continent, but reports of similar situations occurred around Selahktia as well. Out of thin air, some specific people were observed to have disappeared without warning; some were even in the midst of interaction and conversation during the event. While most victims of the strange phenomena returned unharmed, some were never seen again. This phenomena has yet to be explained.

    More reading
    The Great Vanishing
  • 12564 N.W.


    Executio seizes Tamper City
    Military action

    Taking advantage of the disorder in Tamper City, and the I.H.M.D.'s lack of response over fears of Mediator influence, Executio seized the city of Tamper, promptly renaming it the Stagerd Concordia, an ancient dialect for "Hub on a Hill." A sudden influx of refugees thereafter from the subsequent aggression would prove an extra hurdle for the state.

  • 12564 N.W.

    12564 N.W.


    Attack on Stagerd
    Military action

    The I.H.M.D. stage an attack on an arms depot south of the Stagerd Concordia, only to find out that a third party had arrived before them. The attack initiated a city-wide response by the Executio, and stacked defenses on the city as a result.

  • 12564 N.W.


    Executio push East
    Military action

    As Executio expanded eastward in an attempt to put pressure on the I.H.M.D., in the early months of 12564, the I.H.M.D. retaliated, sparking a colossal war which effectively split the old region of Selahktia in half. With much of Selahktia's central regions becoming a war zone, large portions of Selahktia turned into no mans' lands, in fear of being shot or ambushed by either party. Trade, however, continued through southern routes, who were less prone to attack with protection of the Havandale Defense Array Gamma.

  • 12564 N.W.


    Concordia Housing Crisis
    Financial Event

    With the sudden influx of refugees coming from the east, as well as the north in an attempt to escape I.H.M.D. prosecution, as well as wartime destruction, and promise of luxury residency, Concordia was suddenly hit with a large immigration crisis. With plenty of housing left over from the failed colonization of Tamper City by the Mediators, there were enough buildings to house the entire civil population. However, many of these houses were locked and inaccessible without Mediator technology, leaving the afflicted to live out their days under slums with little or no law enforcement in some areas of the city.

  • 12564 N.W.


    The Actors
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the Deep Forest inching closer and closer every day, and the rumors of those who can disappear at will, there lies a tale of individuals who can speak to the entity within the Deep Forest as though they were speaking to one another. These tales eventually led to the I.H.M.D., Executio, and even the mystical city of Myrddin to set out in search for Actors to provide answers.

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  • 12564 N.W.


    The Deep Forest spreads to Concordia

    After the many years of being undisturbed by constant attempts to keep it contained, the Deep Forest eventually began spreading east as soon as the Event hit. It wasn't until 12564 that the Forest finally reached Concordia, bringing with it inexplicable and dangerous entities which now constantly badger the city with attacks. Executio, being experts in Termoyl, have been able to cushion the attacks, but as they become more frequent, their abilities come into question.

  • 12564 N.W.

    12564 N.W.


    Attack on Stagerd
    Military action


  • 12565 N.W.


    Third Humanity Establishes Presence
    Diplomatic action

    The Third Humanity establishes itself as an additional power among Ciphrus, vowing to take any acts of violence with robust retaliation, but as well as open to trade and diplomatic discussion.

  • 12565 N.W.


    The Executio and Third Humanity initiate talks
    Diplomatic action

    The Third Humanity and the Executio formally initiate talks, and development on the Stagerd Concordia swiftly resumes. Within months, the housing crisis is thereupon solved, and larger industrial facilities are prioritized.   Through connection, the Third Humanity also manages to contact other, smaller settlements, and an organized effort to restore order for the majority of the Undatan region of Tornia is initiated. Selahktia and Tornun itself, however, prove to be far more complicated matters.

  • 12565 N.W.


    I.H.M.D. cuts off all communication with the Galagon, allies gather
    Diplomatic action

    Establishing the Third Humanity as a considerable threat, the I.H.M.D. retracts all communication with the Galagon, and urges others do the same.

  • 12566 N.W.

    Cold War begins
    Military action

    With the bolstering of infrastructure in the far west, the I.H.M.D. begins to ramp up production towards a unified war effort. In concurrence, many warlords within the Rysian Tundras vow to join the fight.   With their newfound industry, the Executio develops new war machines for its growing threat. The Third Humanity, however, remains neutral in this conflict, as the Mediators are shifted mostly towards humanitarian efforts in Undata.

  • 12579 N.W.

    12590 N.W.

    New World War
    Military: War

    The New World War was one which consisted of several factions in what was essentially a geopolitical meltdown headed by the I.H.M.D. In a surprise attack, on the winter morning fresh after the new year, the I.H.M.D. had fired nearly its entire nuclear stock which had not been yet decommissioned. The missiles had been directed exactly at the Galagon, and in a frenzy of attacks, the attack was quickly shut down. In retaliation, major military operations featuring the I.H.M.D. against the Mediators formally took place, and with the help of allies attached to either side, a global conflict arose versus Humanists and Originalists. The conflict ended in a decisive victory of the Third Humanity and company, establishing a final and newer world order with the help of industrialization across the globe using Human technology.

  • 12595 N.W.

    Global Centralization

    With the help of Human technology, five megacities were planned to build all over the planet to represent its respective regions. These megacities are constantly growing all of the time, as more and more inhabitants from what's now known as the Outlands, stranded and without a means of living, desperately scrape their way through the wastelands and end up on the shores of the metropolises. By 12606, nearly 90% of Ciphrus inhabitants are residents in a megacity.

  • 12599 N.W.

    Biological Alteration
    Technological achievement

    By 12599, reverse engineering schematics from logs in the Galagon, many newly established companies (or surviving ones from the Old World) had gained immediate interest in the aspect of biological augmentation to further both base mechanical use, as well as Tagonic use. The first prototypes had arrived in 12599, and by 12606, augmentations were a major market across the globe.