Fewkyew Character in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Fewkyew Sukket (a.k.a. "Dave or something")

From the moment his parents named him, he was in for a difficult life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A bit of a shut-in and as a result has a physique like that of 2-D from the Gorrillaz.

Facial Features

He looks like if Chow from The Hangover had a baby with a small-nosed version of the Joker from Joker and the baby then had a thinner face.

Physical quirks

Right handed. It sounds normal until you remember this is a fictional universe and in fictional universes characters have a thing for being left-handed.

Apparel & Accessories

He has a stainless steel necklace of an X. There's nothing special about it he liked it and he bought it at a Creditland (Poundland had to do a bit of a name change with the new currency) and now he always wears it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up on Proxima Centauri b - specifically the Night-side part of it, where there is eternal darkness, low temperatures, eyeless predators and the like. The colony was first set up using 20,000 people flung in from China Town, London and as a result many would mistake it for being part of the The Oriental Empire (aka: Japan and its unofficial vassals) and being full of Japanese speakers rather than belonging to the United Commonwealth and being full of English and Anglo-French speakers. Regardless Fewkyew's time was way after that whole 6 Nations Period lunacy.

From a young age, he was always curious about the Ship Colonies of the planet - settlements aboard great solar-powered ships that were constantly moving against the planet's ocean currents - and wanted to see and possibly even live on one. A major benefit to living on such a colony was the mobility as the ship just needed to launch itself harder forwards or lessen its efforts to change its position and temperatures but the big thing to him was seeing the (well not THE, since he's in a different solar system, but for him it's basically THE) sun. Sure, the other 2 suns in Alpha Centauri (guys it's really cool it's a system of 3 stars and there's a HABITABLE ZONE PLANET IN THERE AKA PERFECT FOR COLONIZATION AANNDD IT'S THE NEAREST STAR SYSTEM TO US OTHER THAN OUR SUN) were pretty cool to see as they were looked like over-sized stars but he wanted to see the thing that was actually keeping the planet warm... ish.

Despite this, his attempts to see the red dwarf and get to a ship or island colony on the planet would constantly be foiled by his first name - which his parents initially gave to him as a joke before finding out that they couldn't legally reverse their brilliant decision - as passport inspectors, police asking for his ID and so on kept thinking he was carrying a fake ID as a means of insulting them. He'd constantly get arrested or forced to leave the vehicle or something like that and so could never go beyond the settlements (among them a city with a space-scratcher (the trademark feature of any true CHG city)) that made up his colony. He couldn't even bury his sadness in alcohol because nobody would sell him any. Getting a job was impossible so he made an incredibly successful YouTube channel (there's a lot more potential for success there in the future because a larger portion of the population has access to the internet at the same time as there being more people to watch your videos but there's also tonnes more competition. Internet Zones put a bit of a limit on this but each one still contains at least a few hundred billion people so...) where his answer to subscribers asking for his real name ended up becoming a classic feature of the channel.

When he finally came out with what his problem was, a 16-year-old fan of his that had just inherited several million (well, different currencies and such but equivalent to several million) after the death of his great great aunt (who made her riches by inventing a new kind of "intimacy doll" that could change proportions, skin colour, eye colour, facial features, hair colour, hair style and even change the sex it looked like... she also single-handedly lowered child birth rates by 20%) paid for him to get to skip being checked before travelling so that he could get aboard a Ship Colony, where he met the love of and spent the rest of his life.

Gender Identity

Alas, the CHG and UHN both swept aside the concept that someone's mind cannot match up with their body in favour of "that's great and all but could we get more pops this Stellaris run might get difficult if we don't get enough pops".


He's a lady's man. Most ladies aren't Fewkyew ladies.


Went to a fairly average primary school called Hard Ones Community School that used to be a military school, followed by Sir Testis Grammar School. He never went to university because, despite him being very academic, he got awful results in his CCSEs as the examiners actively detracted marks from him as they thought his name was a means of insulting them and had no sense of humour.



Accomplishments & Achievements

Went his entire life without drinking any alcohol, even if not for a lack of trying. He did get to see the red sun of his world and onto that Ship Colony (typing that the right way around is very difficult). Being one of a worrying number of people that are brilliant at things that they get hardly any marks in the exams for.

Failures & Embarrassments

Never managed to stroke that cat.

Mental Trauma

Yeah his parents named him Fewkyew as a joke and it ended up haunting him for his entire life.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very intelligent as he had to work that noggin very hard to get by, especially with the on-the-spot inventing of fake names.

Morality & Philosophy

"Don't put swear words in your kid's name. Unless your planet doesn't ban renaming them. Then do it. It'd be funny then just make sure to change it to a real name once it starts to matter." - Fewkyew.

Personality Characteristics


Seeing the sun from the deck of a Ship Colony.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: making up fake names for himself, cookies, the sun. Dislikes: his real name, the cold dark wastelands of his former home, salty chips.

Virtues & Personality perks

Very intelligent.

Vices & Personality flaws

Very bad at realizing "issa joke".


Very hygienic until there's youtubing to be done.


Contacts & Relations

Still keeps in touch with his parents, who are quite regretful for not checking if name-changing is legal. Regularly fights against and alongside the 16-year-old in video games.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Not very good at the face-to-face but hey who is once you murder everyone on the planet except me and around a quarter of humanity?


"uh" *stuff* "um" *more stuff* *UHHH-UMMMMMM*

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet cat. But it was a different cat he tried to stroke.

Wealth & Financial state

Actually makes a fair bit off of his youtube channel, which is dedicated to alternate history/reality scenarios.
Current Location
2394 CurlyWurly 2489 CurlyWurly 95 years old
Circumstances of Birth
His parents met on the late-2300s equivalent of Tinder for pleasure but stuck together because they liked one another. 2 weeks later Fewkyew was conceived and months after that was born in the living/dining room/kitchen as the ambulance got held up.
Circumstances of Death
He feel over trying to lean down to stroke a cat. The cat got out the way of his head but the cat happened to be on concrete.
Current Residence
He gotta da pp.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
An Asian boi
Quotes & Catchphrases
"What madness is it to ban people from changing their names?" - Fewkyew, moments before being told it was to save data on computers, to which he would reply by flinging a table into another table.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Anglo-French English and Mandarin.

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