Cats Species in CHG/Central Human Gov't. "Where we at and how we at here?" | World Anvil
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Pests are a massive problem in the CHG, The LIR or League of Intelligent Races and more or less everywhere that there is life. Rats and other rodents are very good at sneaking aboard ships to munch at their food supplies and then finding themselves on other planets, where they proceed to thrive and rapidly multiply by being able to get into everyone's food. On top of that most habitable planets already have rats, or something rat-like eating all the food and spreading disease.

Cats are brilliant for pest removal, don't require massive amounts of attention (as they basically take care of themselves), can be bred at a decent enough rate, are basically unique in having all these other traits at once and, despite that lack of need for massive amounts of attention, are still loving and fun pets. Intelligent alien species are intelligent enough to know that cats are awesome, making them a major export from the CHG.

Basic Information


I think we all know what a cat is.

Biological Traits

Either it's cute or it's super cute.

Genetics and Reproduction

"Most cats, or queens (unspayed female cats), have a litter of three to five kittens, but feline litters can vary in size from one to more than 10." - Google.

"How Long Are Cats in Heat? Non-spayed female cats will go into "heat" or estrus seasonally--typically February through October in the Northern Hemisphere. They may go into heat many times during the season if they are not bred. The period of heat lasts an average of about a week but can vary from three to 14 days." - Google, which really is very useful.

Growth Rate & Stages

"Kittens typically reach a length and weight close to their full-grown size by 9 to 12 months of age. After the 1-year mark, most cats continue to grow at a much slower rate until at least 18 months of age. Large breeds, such as Maine coon cats, typically take even longer to grow to their full size." - Damn Google sure is useful guys isn't it imagine if this were the 60s and we had to spend hours in libraries or searching for experts to learn this stuff.

Ecology and Habitats

Basically everywhere.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Biological Cycle

Additional Information

Social Structure

Largely independent creatures but know what guys cats actually exist it's so easy to find this stuff out yourself.


They're technically not tame in the first place so it's really just a matter of making them like humans... or aliens if you're an alien... enough not to bite and scratch you.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Cats: are literally saving humanity from a rodent apocalypse.

People in the countries on this website : "grumptious lumptious cats are most scrumptious" (okay tbf some countries USED TO eat cats on that list rather than still do like the UK and Japan, while many are moving towards not eating cats/only have small portions of their populations eating cats like China).

Aside from eating them, there's fur and their use as pest-control and pets.

Facial characteristics

Geographic Origin and Distribution

* B R E A T H E S * EVERYWHERE!!!. Okay but seriously anywhere they can breathe the air, which is an expanded range due to things like genetic modification, putting filters inside their wind pipes, etc, is somewhere they're hanging around and murdering rodents.

Average Intelligence

"Stupid like a fox!" - Homer Jay Simpson.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

If you don't know what a cat is they're a real thing and you can look them up on google.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Lice, fleas etc are a problemo for them whereas they do have friendly bacteria etc in their bodies, much like us humans.
Scientific Name
Felis catus
"Domesticated cats all come from wildcats called Felis silvestris lybica that originated in the Fertile Crescent in the Near East Neolithic period and in ancient Egypt in the Classical period." - Google
Creme Puff hit 38 years but in the wild these guys are going 2-16 years. Most domesticated cats are serving a 12-18 year sentence in this cold dark universe.
Conservation Status
Lots of places have laws protecting cats due to how important they are but they're definitely not an endangered species.
Average Weight
3.6 – 4.5 kg
Average Length
46 cm (Without Tail)
Average Physique
Chonkiness is a common problem among the kitties.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking


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Nov 11, 2019 06:31 by Wendy Vlemings (Rynn19)

Cats are so adaptable I can imagine them thriving on other planets. I really enjoyed your fun and witty writing style here. Keep up the good work!

Author of Ealdwyll, a fantasy world full of mystery.
Dec 31, 2019 00:36 by Thicc Shrek

*Puts down Discworld book* I think I know where he got it from.