Lizardfolk Species in Chenravo | World Anvil
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The Biethtìre of a more reptilian persuasion are largely in the Marsh of Many Scales. This is particularly true for the Lizardfolk. They thrive in the hot swamp, which explains many of their efforts to expand it.   


StereotypeWhy this Stereotype Exists
Lizardfolk are cannibals. While Lizardfolk will happily eat the flesh of other sentient and sapient creatures, they hold the same abhorrance towards eating their own kind that other races share. 
Lizardfolk need humid air. While they thrive in the swamp-like environment of the Marsh of Many Scales, it is largely because it is warm and the high humidity holds heat well. They would likely do well in the Fallen Sea or Absayris desert as well or better than the fen. 
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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