The Wor Twendnazj Building / Landmark in Chasuria | World Anvil

The Wor Twendnazj (Sar-ah-sa-mead)

"A strange spire, half lost to ruin, protruding from the earth in the centre Jazm, my home. There is a faint whisper, some hearsay from those even within the king's men, that if you listen close enough, you can still hear the coughs of the dead and dying on a quiet night. And there is some hearsay that if one truly desperate enters, they'll be healed."
Clímaco Ittel, Chief Advisor to King Aitor III


If one passes the city of Jazm, native home to many high-born men within the regime under The Larramendi Family, it'll be hard to miss the large spire and tree-like building jutting out from its center. It is the tallest building within the city, higher than the ruined walls built almost 300 years after the first stone laid of Wor Twendnazj, entombed in moss and ivy, once made to protect the settlement.


What is The Sersiarmead?



It is unknown when the Wor Twendnazj was built, although record and contemporary sources date it roughly to somewhere around the mid-5th century. However, it is known that it was once part of a larger building - possibly the size of modern day Jazm;; - although the purpose of this location is still up for debate, with many theories thrown about by scholars and historians.

"The man in shabby robes crept through endless dim corridors with only the moonlight to guide him in his ascent. It was suprising he'd got so far within a realm of the deity Duhaum. But, desperate times call for desperate measures. The further he got, the more the walls radiated a smell of rotting flesh, and more and more the din of coughing grew more and more noticable."
— Ch. 3 Pg. 56, Agata's Spire



What we know is that the Sersiarmead was once a hospital ran by the now defunct Order of Eairio, an order mostly made up of widows of the lower classes. Often they served the pauper and the leper before a feverish nobleman, and thanks to this, the order was slowly carved away until their dissolution in 1055.

" Curse and pity the maiden with her ideals as pure as the dew. Lament the fact she had joined the Order of Eairio, who thinks it is wise to treat the peasant before the artisan, the solider and the noble."
— Unknown Author



The tower is of limestone, although barely of it is visable nowdays thanks to invasive ivy and other species of plant cacooning the stone in green. As for windows, they too have been covered, although they were orignally small an arch-shaped except for the windows of the highest floor, once home to the leader, where two stain glass windows endown the walls. Both of them of beings from mythology, the legendary king Eairio and the deity Duhaum, and most of the Pantheon. As for the roof, it is pointed, further adding to the height.


Where does the myth originate?



Due to the existence of ghosts and other forms of spirits, known collectively as Faodyem, many believe the misconception that ghosts and other forms of spirits are bound to a specific location. However, only a scant few are bound. Most are wanderers, although many do not travel over 20 miles from their location of death. Many - in particular the mostly illiterate lower classes - still believe that the minority is in the majority. So, with that, people believe that the 'ghosts' within its walls will bring aid to themselves or to who they desire.



Thanks to the rise of many movements, the prevalence of art, music and novels have exploded detrimentally within Currean & Chasurian society. With this, many who were not of the upper class have risen to rank high above their supposed station. These so-called 'new men' have also brought with them embedded into their works many myths and misconceptions. They are now spread not only by hearsay and oral tradition in the peasantry but also in works to entertain the nobility and 'well-bred' literate folk.

Alternate Names

The Spire of Death

Duhaum's Sanctuary

The Paupuer's Mercy

Founding Date
circa 457
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Miss Izette


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Jul 1, 2021 22:04

I like the media section in particles. Plenty of juicy conflict there for worldbuilding - awesome :D

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Jul 2, 2021 11:13 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I like the idea of an abandoned hospital for the myth :D Though where does the horrible smell come from? O_o

Jul 3, 2021 18:03 by Elizabeth Trkova

Rotting corpses, I suppose, haha

I write a world called Kalan full of made up in my brain cultures, fashion and idiot main characters. Check it out if you wish