The Brotherhood of the Bad Moon Organization in Calradia | World Anvil

The Brotherhood of the Bad Moon

The Brotherhood of the Bad Moon are one of the only cults the have managed to survive through the ages since the fall of the Daemon Prince Aloth. the cult is famous for developing idols of weird and wicked moons with daemonic faces depicted upon them, and are known for their ability to blend into the population of normals towns and cities, only surfacing at the most opportune moments.

Mythology & Lore

The Brotherhood believes that there is a second moon which moves through the sky, and is the source of the power for their daemonic overlords. This second moon is believed to have a magical light which, when active, will heal true believers of their wounds and diseases, give them inhuman strength and vitality, and give the believers that ability to use magics that are otherwise impossible for people of their magical ability.    The Brotherhood of the bad moon is the closest thing that exists to an "all-daemon" cult, because they do not discern between the different daemonic forces, seeing all daemons as manifestations of the power of the bad moon. On the one hand, this makes the cult extremely prone to in-fighting, as individual daemons will gain sway over specific sects of the cult over others, while on the other providing a vulnerable population-base for corruption in many corners of the continent.

Divine Origins

The origins of the cult are unknown, however many scholars have conjectured that "the bad moon" was actually a concept originally devised by many goblinoid daemonic cults in the late First age, and that this idea was at some point ported over to human societies by an unknown malign entity.

Cosmological Views

The bad moon itself is believed by the cult to be a literal cosmic entity. Though it sounds absurd, observers of the Order Malleus have witnessed a strange and ominous moon shining down on cult members during particularly savage rituals, that has vastly increased the power of the cultists under it's light.    Despite this, cosmologists have been able to find no evidence of such a moon in any situation outside of these reports.


The priests of the brotherhood act as sleep-cell organizers, who check in on and reinforce the faith of adherents in the city or town in which they dwell, why simultaneously blending into the normal population. Preists of the Brotherhood have been discovered as everything from beggars, to knights, to even priests of the Saint of Order.

Granted Divine Powers

It is unknown through which malign power that the power of "the bad moon" comes, all that is known is that the magic originates from somewhere within The Shadowfell. Some speculate that the moon itself is manifested by Aloth to pave the way for the resurgence of his Daemon host, while others say that it is more likely to be an apparition created by many different lesser daemons in different instances, each looking to lure cultists into their clutches.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Followers of the The Brotherhood of the Bad Moon have succeeded in rising to high places in society. At one time, the Archon of Phycaon was a suspected member of the cult by the Order Malleus. She was swiftly assassinated, and soon after cult members began to flee the city, and were swiftly hunted down.    Because of this atrocity, the cult's activities are closely monitered, and suspicion and distrust still to this day can sprout after the accusations that influential persons in a city are members of this insidious cult.

The Bad Moon Shines On Us All; the Evernight Dawns

Founding Date
Religious, Cult


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