Cairne The Founding of the Bechtlarite Intelligence Bureau

The Founding of the Bechtlarite Intelligence Bureau



With the sporadic and often costly acts of terrorism on the rise by the organization known as the Burnt Crows, a young Sovereign Jaimus Oraulicli, under the guidance of the Order of Objective Representation, founds the Bechtlarite Intelligence Bureau as a mean to counteract and defend against the grassroots threat.

With the death of his family still fresh on his mind and the suspicions of who caused it being whispered in his ears, Sovereign Jaimus Oraulicli II called an emergency session of the Order of Objective Representation to discuss a means by which they might stem the flow of destruction and violence, and bring the leaders of the The Burnt Crows to justice. With a unanimous vote, the ratification that set the terms of the The Bechtlarite Intelligence Bureau were signed and processed within a few short days, witht he position of head of that office being offered to and accepted by the decorated military advisor, Candor Ralech . Candor set to task immediately, drawing up the requirements and expectations of what he would desire in an elite division of the military that would serve as internal security, intelligence and counterintelligence, and special operations for things that fell outside of standard military procedure. He dubbed this division of the military, the Wraith Guard , and set about recruiting quickly.

Related Location
The Palace of Glass
Related timelines & articles
The History of Cairne (article)