Cairne The Advent of Medical Science in the Absence of the Divine

The Advent of Medical Science in the Absence of the Divine

Scientific achievement


As the Order of Benevolents grew, so too did their reach and resources, allowing them to achieve tremendous leaps of knowledge and ability is relatively short time. These revolutionary methods and procedures led to the salvation of thousands of lives and created a vast and lasting impact on the global population as well.

The advent of science and the worlds newfound dependence on it gave way to countless types of scientific and technological innovations. Things once taken for granted were now crucial and critical problems to be dealt with by the common folk of the world. The Benevolent pledge to help without harm and to hold to allegiance to any one nation held true, and as a result, their practitioners and researchers became trusted and respected members of global society, welcome in almost every region of the world. Benevolent Houses became a common sight in settlements across the globe, even setting up small outposts in more inhospitable regions so that the needs of rural and outlying folks could be attended too as well.   This research and development created an industrial boom in the regions capable of producing such things, and the global economy began to finally move and take on life once more. While the Order itself did not seek compensation for their work, they did require a great deal of resources to maintain their numbers, locations, and research. Most of this was given by charitable donations, and in some places, Benevolents even found ways to produce revenue utilizing their skills to brew spirits, create new recreational uses for the strange new life that was beginning to emerge, exploration and discovery, and even writing and art in some cases. The world was beginning to recover, largely in part to the efforts of this Order and its supporters, but there was still a great distance to go before the people of the world collectively could regain any semblance of the former quality of life they once enjoyed.   By this time their establishment was as much a way of life as anything, and they had integrated into every aspect of the global community save for the Gaul Do Shah, though they did try. Every effort made was met with terrible loss and disaster.

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