Cairne The Repurposing of The Bonescrap

The Repurposing of The Bonescrap

Civil action


The effectiveness of the Wraith Guard proves to be a powerful tool in the Bechtlarite arsenal against internal strife, thwarting many of the Burnt Crows plots and managing to capture and kill a number of insurgents. Candor Ralech, seeking to maintain public approval, repurposed a defunct coal mine as a more "humane' way of dealing with those who stand against the Empire.

The Tindall Mines, as the The Bonescrap was once known, contains a vast, criss crossing network of tunnels and chambers that go on for miles. The structure predates the Blight, and most of the records that contained accurate maps of the mines were lost during the War of Human Attrition. Following a number of public executions of captured insurgents, public opinion of the Wraith Guard began to plummet rapidly, the vast majority of the Becht people still displeased with the events at Victory and the general sentiment being that the Seanachaisians had a right to be angry. Seeking to shift favor back to the state, Candor Ralech confiscated and began to build around the central shaft of the mine. Using the resources afforded to him by having unfettered control of the The Bechtlarite Intelligence Bureau , he sought out and closed off any additional exits and breaches that led to the mines and built a reinforced gate and lift that dropped down into the mine.   When the construction was completed, it was hailed as a means by which captured elements, deemed to dangerous to be rehabilitated, could he housed and incarcerated in a way that afforded them a freedom of a sort. While they would indeed be confined within the tunnels there, they would be able to build and dictate their own systems and ways of life, removed from the general public but alive and free to live out the rest of their days. He set up a Benevolent House nearby and tasked them with the supply and care of the incarcerated prisoners.   Through her knowledge of the pre-existing catacombs beneath the city, Sighnai Oifrei and the The Burnt Crows quickly went to work to breach the mines from the Halls of the Dead, and began secretly rescuing their people that were placed there, as well as any other they felt could potentially benefit their cause. The mines, unbeknownst to either party, were infested with Blight Born , and maintaining any degree of access to the mines was an invitation to disaster. Her efforts lessened over time, as each incursion into the mines cost valuable resources and lives, and eventually, she stopped breaching t5he mines for all but the most high value of assets that were placed there.   The mines because a lawless and dark place quickly, the nature of people revealed in a terrible situation as constant fights, murders, and worses became commonplace within the twisting labyrinth of lightless tunnels. Those few who escape or were saved came back with stories of horrors in the shadows and roving gangs of criminals, mad or twisted by the Void energy that lingers down there killing all in their path and taking whatever they could scavenge from the bodies. These stories, controlled by the Intelligence Bureau as best they can be, earned the location the nickname of, The Bonescrap .

Related Location
The Bonescrap
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The History of Cairne (article)