
The Way of the Wind

The Ventrytes were pushed furthest from the old Empire, but by the other human races and their own desire to live as free men and women beyond the scope of any ruler. While to the outside, much of the culture of these people may seem chaotic, at its core they are generally happy and well adjusted people. The life they have chosen for themselves lacks many of the social trappings of the other races, for instance, they do not marry or maintain traditional families, but rather believe that all men and women are parents to every child born to them, and it is not uncommon for roving bands of children to be seen roaming the streets and alleys without a care. Property is another concept that has become loose over the years with etiquette dictating that those with the greatest need may take what they need. Strangely enough, this works...somehow. There is very little in fighting, and the fighting that does occur is almost always followed by parties and feasts to celebrate the renewed bond that has tested and reformed in combat. The Ventrytes live on the edge of the Lost Wastes where the Gauldowhynna live and hunt. The Ventrytes are the only other race that the mad elves will trade with and do not attack on sight. They are wary of strangers but never miss an opportunity to entertain. They are formidable dancers, singers, and musicians, but it is quite well known that they have a very loose view on the concept of ownership, and this extends to other races as well.


Major language groups and dialects

  • Common
  • Ventryte
  • Handform

Culture and cultural heritage

They tend to administer swift and uncompromising justice to those that break from social etiquette in detrimental ways.

Shared customary codes and values

Society within the tribes of the Ventrytes is best described as carefree. The individual is considered to be the master of their own fate and fully responsible for their own end. While they are generally more than willing to help one another in the sense of communal support, the Ventrytes consider asking for help to be an extreme social blunder. At the same time, allowing one of your own to fall by the wayside is also considered to be a sign of weakness of spirit. Living on the edge of the Wastes has taught them as a whole that life is unforgiving, and that is why they prefer to live by the simplest of means. To have little is to remove loss.

Common Etiquette rules

They are painfully aware that the rest of so-called "civilized" society looks down on them with a degree of mistrust, but they do not casually accept this. The Ventrytes have been known to swindle others just for the sense of gratification, more often than not either returning the object swindled or donating it to another more worthy individual or cause

Common Dress code

Ventrytes enjoy loose fitting silks and light colors. Scarves and turbans are very popular and the current trend is to wear their hair long and loose. This applies to both men and women alike. Jewelry is not very common, as it serves little use in a society that places little care into personal wealth, though things crafted by hand can still garner positive attention. Due to the sandy nature of where they live, most will opt for sandals if they wear any footwear at all. They have been known to craft and wear dark makeup from natural sources, especially accentuating the eyes.

Art & Architecture

The tribe maintains several small settlements on the Western borders of the wastes ranging from tented communities to one of the more fortified oasis settlements. With their lifestyle being transient and in some cases nomadic, they tend to prefer the simplicity of tents and makeshift homes with rare exception. Even still, however, these are not ramshackles or tattered canvas structure. The Ventrytes are a robust and vibrant people, and the style in which they live, build, and create reflects this as well.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

They maintain a degree of cautious trade with the elves of the Wastes, and there is a loose truce between them, but the Ventrytes are well aware of the state of them and do not suffer the elves the opportunity to do them harm.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Ventrytes have a rule that states that one's ashes can only be spread while the camp is moving. An inherently migrant people, they burn their dead. This is done in a communal way, as a community of those that knew and cared for the deceased, sharing stores about their lives and quietly honoring the things they accomplished. Once the solemn act of cremation is complete, the family or remaining community that is tasked with honoring the dead place the ashes in a previously crafted, slotted wagon wheel with a hollowed out chamber inside. Prior to setting forth, the traditional custom is for the family members, friends, or loved ones to place the wheel on the family member's wagon, and the grieving members set to honor them trails the procession last, to avoid other cart wheels running over their path. The journey is meant to be a time of reflection, a time to celebrate their memory. They travel until the wheel is empty, making their way to a place special to the deceased, a location that was important to them in life and have a small memorial gathering there to talk about their loved one, one final time. When the memorial is complete, the wheel is replaced and the caravan begins to move towards Hand Over Fist , and the secret The Hall of Eternal Twilight beneath it. Along the way to the Hall is a radial set of worn wagon paths, all leading to the trade outpost. As they travel, the closest individual to the fallen carves their name into the hollow wheel, and deposits it along the train to the Hall, the paths there littered with wheels, each with a name carved into it and in varying states of decay and disrepair due to the passage of time. Once they reach the Hall, standing before the well, the mourners hold their final vigil, this one a look ahead, meant to honor the deceased by acknowledging the paths their lives have opened for their people going forward, a quiet celebration of the lasting good the individual's life has done for the Ventrytes.     It is important to note, that when a Ventryte says someone died still, it holds a poignant meaning. For them to threaten with this promise, it takes on the same meaning as leaving one's corpse on a pike. To die, still, incurs a second death, a death of the spirit, for movement is the spirit of their people.   
Every Ventryte has a destination, and a place along the path.

Historical figures

  • Elder Mother, Vhynna Sophia Grantiasti


Beauty Ideals

The Ventrytes have darker skin than most humans, with hair to match, both ranging from a light mocha brown to nearly pitch black. Their eyes vary from brown to green, but tend to favor the darker hues of both. Fashionably, the Ventrytes enjoy loose fitting silks and light colors. Scarves and turbans are very popular and the current trend is to wear their hair long and loose. This applies to both men and women alike. Jewelry is not very common, as it serves little use in a society that places little care into personal wealth, though things crafted by hand can still garner positive attention. Due to the sandy nature of where they live, most will opt for sandals if they wear any footwear at all. They have been known to craft and wear dark makeup from natural sources, especially accentuating the eyes.

Gender Ideals

There is no norm when it comes to the Ventrytes, and pretty much anything within the scope of the willingness of those involved goes.

Relationship Ideals

The Ventrytes do not marry, nor do they but rarely claim a child as solely their own, but despite this, they are careful not to cause harm to one another, as there is nothing governing them stating a retaliatory reaction is against the rules.

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