The Dreamers of the White Stag Organization in Ayn | World Anvil
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The Dreamers of the White Stag

Located deep within The Forest of Fyethalas, there is a grove sectioned off specifically for a druidic order known as the Dreamers of the White Stag. It is here that they practice their craft, primarily through sleeping in hollowed out tree trunks that have soft, crushed foliage, feathers, and other bedding. Some have thin veils to cover the opening. These are called 'Dreamer's Nests'. Specialty druids known as 'Keepers' often brew a drink that not only encourages sleep, but ensures a sort of spirit journey during their rest. These keepers also tend to the resting, ensuring they haven't fallen out of their nest, nor have been disturbed.   During these journeys one is expected to encounter an aspect of nature, most commonly a spiritual animal, and commune with them, often in the form of wandering with them, helping them with their tasks (Like a bear hunting for fish, or a wolf defending its den from shadowy predators) or in the rare event that the spirits speak, directly learning from their wisdom.   These encounters are primarily random, or if they are swayed, it's incredibly subtle by means no one has truly figured out. Among these, the most rare is a dream with 'The White Stag', and often the teachings and request of the White Stag extend outside of the dream on a grand journey or quest.   Although not a religious institution, many dreamers worship Birchum - God of Nature.


To join: Two components will be tasked to new recruits to fetch - A seed and component to nurture the seed. These are generally determined by the Archdruid upon meeting the applicant. Upon returning the seed is then planted in a specific area and then blessed by the druids of the order. After a week passes, the seed will have miraculously grown into a full tree, even going as far as to sprout in such a fashion that a hollow portion is embedded into the trunk, perfect for a nest. The prospect must then fill the nest with bedding and, if seeking a particular spirit, incense such as myrrh. Once all of this is complete, they are encouraged to have their first dream and to walk with the spirits of the animals. Once this is complete they are considered a part of the order, and are known as 'Sleepers'.   A sleeper is promoted after they dream several times and use the knowledge gained to further their power. They are also expected to aid one animal or plant in need, such as a boar with a broken ankle. They will then be known as a Dreamer.   Dreamers are promoted to either Keepers or Visionwalkers depending on their involvement. If their journey only keeps them close to the forest of the Dreamers, they are made to be Keepers. Otherwise they are Visionwalkers. Regardless, they are promoted when several animals and their fellow druids have been assisted, as well as their knowledge of nature becoming ever more acute.   The only rank above is Archdruid, and this title is given rarely and only in extreme special circumstances. Visionwalkers and Keepers are expected to maintain their studies in both the physical world and dream world.

Public Agenda

Their focus is on the preservation of nature by strengthening druidic knowledge or other natural understanding. Although other callings can join, Druids and Shamans are often more motivated to seek out the organization as they stand to benefit more. Some Hunters and Rangers will also join the organization to better understand animals, especially if they have an animal companion.   It is their belief that by listening and walking with nature, especially on a spiritual level, they can better understand and serve.


Florians were once the original keepers, tasked with providing for the druids that slept. Since their awakening, they have been allowed to join as druids and participate.

Understanding nature is but a dream away.

Druidic Circle
Fox Spirit Animal

Cover image: by Xiaodi Jin


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May 15, 2019 07:19 by R. Dylon Elder

AHHH I REMEMBER! i recognize the name! ok so great concept for a druidic order and also i think the way they join is pretty nifty. Really cool and unique. Great job man. I also LOVE stag imagery and that little motto you have their under the flag. Brilliant work