The Dia

Dia is the Old Tongue word for god (plural is the same, a notable exemption). The Dia are the beings that created the world and are charged with overseeing its continued existence from a higher plane. Different societies favour some Dia more than others, certain gods have risen and fallen out of favour over time. Some have fallen so far they became part of the Axodia, the evil counterparts that also include entities such as the Archdevils. As humans were supposedly created within their image, the Dia tend to be seen as human-like, other than those of other races that have ascended to the Dia. The major Dia are as follows:  


Other names: Aida (in Maressea)
Domain: Love, beauty.
History: Aeda's role in events involving Dia is minor when compared to the majority of the others. She does have an ongoing feud with Laveus, The Archdevil of Lust, though.
Depiction Unsurprisingly, Aeda is usually described as a beautiful young woman. The exact details tend to conform to each cultures' own standards of beauty, however.  


Other names: The Lighthammer.
Domain: Light, Goodness.
History: Alios is the bringer of light. In some versions of the creation myth, he is the first, the one who shared his light and created all the others to see over the other aspects of life. Some say there was once an even more powerful entity and Alios was the core piece left after the entity split into the Dia. No matter what his origin was, he is typically at the focus of worship in most cultures.   He is romantically involved with Essina, the goddess of winter. His capture by some of the Axodia is supposedly what caused the Ten Year Winter, as Essina's fury was unleashed and Axora was the unfortunate sufferer of that. This romance, however, was what brought Essina back into the light after Vulkarna rallied her fellow elemental gods in an uprising against the rest.
  Depiction: Alios is seen as classically handsome, usually around late 30s or early 40s in human years. White and gold clothing is a trademark amongst Alios depictions. When geared up in battle, he supposedly wields a hammer and shield.  


Other names:
Domain: Earth, harvest, farming
History: Armon's history within the Dia is relatively uneventful. Even when his fellow elemental gods rose up, he did not partake either way. He is a focal Dia within farming communities in particular.
Depiction: Armon is portrayed visually as the eldest of the original elemental gods - even though the Dia are regarded as being of the same physical age. Typically, he is plain-clothed over broad shoulders and a generally muscular appearance. He is seen wielding either a sickle or a staff in artworks over the years, though he usually absent from myths of conflicts.  


Other names: The Dawnbringer.
Domain: Life, youth, birth, dawn
History: Athar was involved with Zarene, the goddess of death in the earliest days of Axora. However, The Tale of Athar & Zarene, the myth that details this particular story, suggests that this romance was short-lived as it took them away from their important duties at the ends of life itself, which brought upon a rise of undeath in the world. The Ancestral Tree remains as a parting gift to Axora from them, supposedly. Athar himself is typically high up in terms of total worshippers within cultures. Doaxo, the Archdevil of Sloth, features heavily within personal conflicts of Athar and the Axodia.
Depiction In terms of appearance, Athar is often depicted almost as Alios' younger brother. Classically handsome also, blonde, but typically quite young - representing his role of supplying youthful energy to the world. His colours, like Athar, tend towards white and gold too. In some cultures, Athar and Alios conflate into one entity, perhaps as a result.  


Other names: Nature's Heart, Kephione (in Maressea).
Domain: Nature, the wild.
History: Cephione's role is a rather large one. As most conflicts threaten nature itself, she is often part of those fights between Dia and Axodia. She has a personal rivalry with Devorit, Archdevil of Gluttony due to Devorit's desire to overwork the lands in order to produce more food to consume. Depiction: Cephione possibly has the widest range of depictions of any of the Dia. Some portray as a youthful spirit, almost like a nymph and some have her as a motherly figure. Either way, her garb is always natural, in earthen or green tones and leaf symbolism somewhere within.  


Other names:
Domain: Mining, underground
History: Historically, Dugarth is probably one of the lesser mentioned Dia. Though, he is reasonably popular amongst races that tend to have dwellings underground like the Gnomes and Dwarves. Depiction: Understandably, when it comes to portraying Dugarth, there are similarities between him and Armon, god of the earth and farming. Both of them are depicted as labourer types, like the professions under their domains. Dugarth, however, tends to be seen with darker skin and facial hair, which Armon does not.  


Other names: Winter's Maiden, Windcaller
Domain: Air, wind, winter.
History: Essina has a long and rich history. She's the one Dia to be a part of the two largest events amongst the Dia; the Elemental Uprising and the Ten Year Winter. Essina's domain is technically just the air, but her abilities allow her to manipulate it and she uses it to form cold currents usually, and thus also became the goddess of winter. Essina and Tidor, god of the sea, were swayed by Vulkarna's desire to be the true rulers amongst the Dia. Essina, however, was brought back by Alios, whom she fell in love with. Essina then persuaded Tidor to join her, leaving Vulkarna alone in her fight. Vulkarna was banished from the Dia, but Essina and Tidor remain. Essina then suffered the temporary loss her of her love when he was captured by some of the Axodia (some say it was Vulkarna's doing), and her fury was what caused the Ten Year Winter, a period where Axora faced much lower temperatures for a full decade.
Depiction: Essina is depicted as being younger than Alios, visually, though not vastly so, somewhere around early to mid-30s in human years. Bright blonde hair that's almost white and silvery gowns are common themes amongst the descriptions and paintings. As with the vast majority of Dia, she holds much beauty but is described as having sharper, almost elven-like features, a trait she shares with Ispilla.  

Grommog Anvilback

Other names:
Domain: Dwarves
History: During the days of the Primordial Uprising, the war was fought on two fronts, not just in the divine realm. The mortal realm also saw action as the creations of the elemental gods sought to provide distractions 'below'. At the end of the uprising, one champion from each of then three races (Dwarves, Elves and Gnomes), was chosen to ascend. Grommog Anvilback was the Dwarven champion and thus became the god of dwarves.
Depiction: Grommog was tall for a dwarf at just over five and a half feet tall. He had tanned skin and black hair with grey streaks, which also carried over into his thick beard. Both sets of hair were tied into a singular braid each. He has a scar from his left temple to under his left ear.  


Other names: Mother of Mages
Domain: Magic
History: Ispilla was the one who held the influence over the creation of the Elves. After the Dwarves were created to tend to the world, it was decided that another race must be created and charged to hold account the history of all things. They were also imbued with the touch of Ispilla and granted access to magic, which is why Elves hold the most natural affinity for spellcasting. Otherwise, Ispilla is referred to often in conflicts, alongside Toar, the god of strength - her physical counterpart within the Dia.
Depiction: Ispilla is usually described in a way that would put her around mid-40s in ages. Typically she wears fines dress and jewellery. She has black hair and sharp features that border on elven-like. It is debated whether or not this influenced Elves or if her involvement in Elves influences her depiction.  


Other names:Kraphos (in Maressea)
Domain: Crafting, Construction, Forge, Fire (adopted)
History: Karf's involved in Dia history is relatively minimal. He adopted the aspect of fire after Vulkarna's downfall. He is known as the forger of all the Dia's weaponry and armour.
Depiction: Naturally, Karf is depicted are a burly male. Distinctively, however, he is often older in appearance than most of the Dia.  

Kril Silverguard

Other names:
Domain: Gnomes
History: Kril was the Gnome chosen to ascend following the Primordial Uprising. Kril was the youngest of the three chosen. He was also the least skilled in combat. It was his ingenuity that brought attention from The Dia when he was chosen. It is this trait that the Gnome aspire to most.
Depiction: The most distinctive physical trait that is shared amongst depictions of Kril is his wild red hair. A trait unfortunately also shared with the most infamous of Gnomes as well - Grevlin Doomwrench. In fact, in physical appearance they were quite similar as well as both having brilliant minds.    


Other names:Nition (in Maressea), The Moonshadow, The Light in the Darkness.
Domain: The Night, Moon
Depiction: Nitune is typically depicted as a young woman with black hair and usually upon backdrop of the night sky.    


Other names:
Domain: Knowledge
History: In the tale of creation, Nona was responsible for the creation of the Gnomes, which she imbued with boundless curiosity.


Other names:Lord of Order
Domain: Law, order, duty


Other names:Lady Fortune
Domain: Luck
Depiction: Rituna is always described as a red-haired beauty.  


Other names:The Agefather
Domain: Time


Other names: Tidor (in Maressea), The Ocean Lord
Domain: Water, seas
History: Tidur, as one of the four primordial gods, was drawn into Vulkarna's uprising against the rest of gods. He was eventually persuaded to abandon the cause by Essina, who herself had been talked around by Alios.
Depiction: Tidur is normally shown as a relative young man with long hair, which can be anywhere between blonde and dark brown. He is usually depicted with his weapon of choice: the spear.  


Other names:Toros (in Maressea)
Domain: Strength, war
Depiction: Naturally, the god of strength is depicted as a muscular individual and often brandishing a large two-handed weapon such as a greatsword or greataxe.  

Virion Yessalor

Other names:
Domain: Elves
History: Virion Yessalor was the third of three Chosen to ascend after the Primordial Uprising.


Other names: Zarena (in Maressea), Mistress of Death, Shepherd of Souls
Domain: Death
History: Zarene is notable in mythology as being in love with the god of life, Athar, and their romance inadvertently allowing undead monstrosities to come forth as their focus was turned away from the mortal realm. The Tale of Athar & Zarene is well known and culminated in the creation of The Ancestral Tree as a parting gift to the world.
Depiction: Much-like her associated animal, the raven, her appearance is described as having raven-black hair and intimidating dark clothing to pair with it.
Religious, Pantheon

Cover image: by Midjourney


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