The Eternal Civil War Military Conflict in Avestra | World Anvil
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The Eternal Civil War

When we left the universe behind, we did so in the midst of a great war. For the fate of Avestra. For the fate of the universe. It was the first and last time we Eternals ever fought each other on a grand scale. We learned why something like that should never happen. The Eternal Civil War was a mistake. It nearly cost us everything. I do not know why the brothers Ano and Eno fought each other. What they hoped to gain. I only know that the majority of the Eternals took to each brother's side without question while the few smart ones stayed out of the conflict. When the war came, we thought we saw the end times. We thought it was all over in this short time that we lived in this beautiful universe.   But no, the universe survived because we were gone. And when we returned, we learned the folly of our actions and used the threat of the Elders to band together. It was the last time we were ever truly united. The war has divided us and with no clear enemy anymore, we wander or hide where we can, probably keen to never unite under the same banner again.

The Conflict


With the universe, Aeternum, and the Eternals created, the last two denizens from the previous universe, Anu and Enu, Destroyer and Creater, began to fade away. Not wishing to deprive their children of leadership, they created their reincarnations: Ano, the Seneschal of the Eternals, and Eno, the Knight of the Eternals. Seeing each other as brothers, they worked side-by-side to guide their people. However, both grew bored with the pitch-black sky that created them every night. So they saw to fill that sky with lights of worlds and stars. They created countless worlds and their final project became Avestra, the Jewel of Eternity.
However, soon after the creation of this final world, something changed between the brothers. while some say it was greed for the world they created in orbit around Aeternum, others comment that it was the natural state of their relationship as Ano realized his purpose was not to create but destroy. Whatever the truth, the two brothers became tense and their feud influenced Eternals to join their sides for whatever reasons they saw fit. Only a few stayed neutral, following the advice of Mortem and Vita, the Eternals of Death and Life respectively.


All of Aeternum was a battleground as the Eternals refused to leave their planet to fight elsewhere. Thankfully, the realm was as sturdy as its people and no lasting devastation came to past as the land quickly healed from any battles that erupted.

The Engagement

The Eternals fought each other with nothing held back. After all, none of them could die so it was only fitting they hit each other with everything they had. The most dangerous example of this was the battle between Ano and Eno. Each blow they landed shook the foundations of the universe. A battle like this between them was meant to only come at the end of the universe as some Eternals have said. But they didn't care. Day and night, they kept fighting and reality bent around them. Eventually, the other Eternals couldn't handle this power as the two greatest of their kind eclipsed them. Before the Eternals and their world disappeared, the brothers prepared their respective Eternal Blasts, which some believe would've destroyed the universe if both were able to fire off their attacks.

Historical Significance

If the Eternals hadn't disappeared, the universe would've been very different. As shown by their return, many of them like to walk amongst the people of the universe and sometimes intercede on their behalf. If these powerful immortals had stayed, it is likely conflicts such as the Blood War and the The Elder-Eternal War never would've happened.


For the Eternals, it fractured them once they returned to the universe. Friendships, families, and partnerships were tested and sometimes broken because of the war. It took them from the universe they inherited until it was threatened by the Elders who attempted to destroy it. Ano and Eno went their separate ways after the return, each following their own path. Some say the brothers have met during their journeys but whether their brotherhood was restored is unknown.
For non-Eternals, this set the foundation for everything they went through. With no Eternals, the Outsiderswere able to do as they pleased in their realms and behind except for Avestra. it left them open to the ensuing conflict such as the Blood War and left them powerless when the Elders and their forces came to destroy reality. Mortals and Ancients were able to grow on the world of Avestra and shape the realm into a home fit for their kind to inhabit. With no Eternals around, they formed faiths to explain how they came to be and their values. They were able to hold onto them as the Eternals returned but some cast it aside to embrace the idea that the Eternals were the next step of what their people could become.
In the end, the Eternal Civil War was an exercise in futility. No one won. No one gained anything. All it did was show that when the Eternals war amongst themselves, nothing good will come of it.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
Aeternum disappeared and the Eternals with them


The Forces of Eno

Led by

The Forces of Ano

Led by






  • Defend Avestra(?)
  • Take Avestra(?)
  • Take Avestra(?)
  • Defend Avestra(?)


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