Crystalia: The Unifying Empire Organization in Avestra | World Anvil
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Crystalia: The Unifying Empire

When my great-grandfather founded this kingdom, it was bring peace to our small portion of the Loshill region. For 4 generations, the Draganar family did its best in that goal. And these past few years, we have made allies and destroyed enemies to achieve that goal. But now that I stand here before you, older, wiser, and now a father, I see how lucky we are to have this peace.   But there are those who would seek to destroy it! And those that desperately need it! Will we resign ourselves to that threat, to those desperate and begging for aid? No, we shall not! We shall bring peace to this region! We shall end the petty squabbling between kings and finally made a land where our children can go without experience the horrors of war and famine! I say this, not as a King of Crystalia but as your Emperor, we shall unite this land!
— Eren Draganar III's speech before the beginning of the Loshill unificiation


  • At the top of the Crystalian Empire is the Imperial family with the Crystal Emperor, his wife, and his son ruling as the heads of state.
  • Below them are 10 Dukes, the former king of Beru serving as the newest addition to the group.
  • The Duchies are subdivided into lesser territories as needed, usually 4-6 territories

Public Agenda

  • Unite the Aerin Valley under one banner
  • End the history of petty wars and violence between the Aerin kingdoms


The empire began as one of many kingdoms around Lake Loshill in the early 12th century. Bordering the lake, it was seen as a target to anyone who wanted access to trade on the lake and access to fertile farmland. There was always a threat of conquest by another power and Aerin blood was split often in these conflicts or even raids from beyond the mountains.
That mentality changed once King Eren and Queen Alexandra Draganar took the throne. Allying with smaller kingdoms and Bakoren mercenaries, Crystalia was able to secure their borders and conquer a large swath of land, taking control of the main route to the Jade Coast. At first it seemed like the Royal family was content with the territory they claimed. Then in 1199, Edward Dragonar was born, and everything changed.
Not content to let his son grow up in the chaos of the Loshill Region, Eren called his banners and marched against the rest of the kingdoms in the region, subjugating those who were allies and conquering those who were enemies. By Edward's first birthday, Lake Loshill was under one banner for the first time in millennia. The peace in the region was unlike one seen in the Aerin Valley in a long time. A peace only seen when the valley would unite against outside threats. And as the other kingdoms still bickered and clashed, Crystalia seemed like the one power that could bring true peace in its citizens' eyes.
In 1200 of the Eternal Age, the followers of Kashir the Valiant crowned King Eren Draganar, 3rd of his name, as Emperor Eren Draganar of the newly formed Empire of Crystalia. That shocked the other kingdoms of the Valley as did his declaration that he would unite the Aerin people under one banner and stop their petty squabbles once and for all. It was paramount to a declaration of war to any enemies of Crystalia. In 1203, the Anti-Crystalian Alliance was formed as Crystalia invaded both Gulra and Beru.
For the next 4 decades, there was an ebb and flow to the battlefield as Veru and Gulra tried to invade their northwestern border while Crystalia attacked Beru's Eastern border. As Edward ascended the throne, the Crystal Empire battered Beru's defenses, hoping to break their spirit. On the eve of what could've been the plans for the final Beru invasion, Crown Prince Wilhelm rebelled and the Anti-Crystalian Alliance sent a massive fleet down the Loshill River. Emperor Edward went to meet the large force at Cadehall Fields and William went to siege out his elder brother. In the end, the enemy army was crushed and the rebelling prince was unfortunately slain.
Beru, not a part of the invasion, lost its will to fight after the defeat of the fleet and chose to surrender. In a show of mercy, the King of Beru was made a Duke and the kingdom was reorganized into a duchy. A letter was sent out to the other rulers of the Aerin Valley to convince them to surrender but as of 1242, the Crystalian Empire has received no word and no doubt prepares for the new front they've opened up in their bid for unification.

Demography and Population

The majority of Crystalia's population is home to the assumed races of Aerinor: Humans , Changelings , Centaur , and the like. However, they have also allowed races from other lands such as the Feyborn like Elves from the Elu lands, Mountainfolk like Dwarves and Tykriels, and with notoriety, the goblinoids from the Jade Coast. As such, they can call upon the different talents that the different cultures around them are focused on, empowering them as a whole.
Crystalia is home to 1.5 million people of different species, creeds, and identities. The population is spread out almost evenly across the different provinces due to the habitable climate of the Loshill region thanks to the Loshill Lake. The standard of living has been steadily increasing after the rise of the Crystalian Empire as both Edward and his father, Eren, wanted to make sure the empire would not fall apart during military conflicts. Aerinor culture and social reform have made a boom of occupations in the region, especially the latter which were pushed by the twin princes, Wilhelm and William, before the former's passing in 1241. As of 1242, William and the Empress are still pushing these reforms.


Not including Beru and the capital province, there are 8 duchies in the Empire, ruled by the Dukes of said provinces. Crownkeep was the original province Crystalia was founded in when it was a Kingdom. While the Emperor rules from the city of Crownkeep, the Crown Prince and Empress will take care of the day-to-day for this province. It is often a stopping point on trade from Edrinia's Spine and the Jade Coast.
Babilgar was the first region to be conquered by the Kingdom and served as a bulwark for any raids that came through the mountains. Thankfully, it also served as the meeting point for any diplomatic meetings with the east. Bakoren and Khazunite residents travel and trade through the region and even serve as mercenaries. The city of Babilgat serves as the capital city for the province.
Cavewharf was an ally of Crystalia before it capitulated, protecting their southern border and also serving as naval allies for any fleets from the west and south. The caves in the region also serve as deposits of valuable metals for both trade and craft in the empire. The city of Cavewharf serves as the capital of this province.
Briron and Gizagarth were the next two provinces conquered by Crystalia, giving the Kingdom gateways to the north and south. The north solidified their northern border and the south gave them trade to the main Khazunite holds and the Elu people on the other side of the mountain range. These mountains have some mines forests dot the landscape here and there. The cities, Briron and Bazor, are the capitals of these provinces.
Deadrest and Weshell gave Crystalia dominion over most trade in the Loshill region, allowing them to strangle their enemies economically that still remained. The former is known for the many deaths in the region ever since the unification war started and the farms and forests with buried dead beneath it. When Spiritfall comes, people worry about whether the body or souls of the dead may come forth, slighted by the treatment of their bodies. The cities of Deadrest and Weshell are the capitals of these provinces.
Srinia and Cadehall were the greatest enemies to Crystalia during its days as a Kingdom. On opposite sides of the lake, they were thorns in each other's sides for decades before Eren conquered them. The seat of Srinia, Ravengulf, is known as being a seat for the Raven Queen's sect in the region. With their assimilation, the Loshill Lake and part of the river were fully controlled by Crystalia and and part of the first line of defense. After all, The fields near the city of Cadehall was where the current emperor made his stand and defeated the Alliance.


Crystalia makes use of both local forces and mercenaries from abroad, gaining the strength of both. Over 100,000 citizens find themselves as soldiers in armies across the region under the Dukes and Lords of the empire. Recently, the Imperial family has started recruiting men for their own army after they lacked enough manpower in the battle of Cadehall Fields. Currently, the Imperial army is 15,000 strong with the Emperor or the Prince serving as commander. A detachment of the army was sent to Beru with the prince to secure the region from any exterior threats and help transition the nation peacefully.
Aerin, Bakoren, Khazunite, and Risir mercenaries are a common occurrence where local manpower fails. These mercenaries helped ease ties between the Aerin people and the other cultures and even promoted immigration and trade between both sides. Currently, these mercenaries are between jobs, returning home to deal with problems or finding work with local nobles to supplement their income. But at any moment, they are ready to pick up their blades and spells and fight for the empire once again.


The Crystalian Emporer was first crowned thanks to the blessings of the Crownguard of Aerinor, Kashir the Valiant and Barina the Horse Lord. As such, the sect of the Aerin faith has a strong presence in the capital with their temples and statues being even more maintained. However, the Imperial family does not forsake the other Aerin gods as shown by their investment in the economy whether it be mundane craft or spell craft and the personal garden they keep in Crownkeep, where the family has been buried. Thanks to these efforts, there is a tenuous peace between the two factions.
Of course, being a crossroads of trade between 4 directions means more faiths will enter the area. Elu, Khazunite, Orzin, and Bakoren faiths are the most common, as seen by the influence their gods have on the Aerin pantheon. As a result, Crystalia allows citizens religious freedom while still promoting the Aerin faith as the dominant religion.

Foreign Relations

When Beru surrendered to Crystalia, the Imperial family allowed them to keep their autonomy in exchange for their fealty. As such, this has started to mend the ties worn down by decades of war. There are still rogue elements in Beru that wish to see it free of Crystalia, especially in the nobility, but Duke Damian, the middle class, and the common folk seem to be content with the Empire ruling over them.
Gulra, Grineva, and Veru are still hostile to the Empire as they do not wish to be conquered and united under one banner. With the recent fall of Beru, Crystalia hopes that they will be shaken and come to see their rule will not change much and offer more stability in the region. For now, the two sides are still at war.

Aerinor United As One

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Crystalian Empire, the Crystal Empire, the Kingdom of Crystalia
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum
Legislative Body
The Imperial Family
Judicial Body
The Judges of Crystalia
Executive Body
The Imperial Family + The Lords of Crystalia
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

Beru is a vassal to Crystalia

The two were rivals in the past, always clashing on the battle but with Duke Damian's abdication, relations may improve. The commonfolk welcome the peace and the nobility, slowly but surely, are either accepting the new status they find themselves in, or search for ways to reclaim the power they believe they've lost.

At war

Gulra and Crystalia have been at war since the Alliance formed in 1203. Gulra has constantly tried to invade the empire but Crystalia's defenses held firm. With conflict stopped for now, some of the lords of Gulra wonder whether its time to capitulate while others wish to press and finally break through their defenses.

At war

Veru was the first to declare war on Crystalia as the Prince lusts for revenge and to regain the land he last when Crystalia united the Loshill region. As such, nothing sure of the Prince's death or Crystalia's fall will stop the war between these two.

At War

Grineva thought of Crystalia as little more than a backwater kingdom before the alliance formed. Now, it views it as a thorn in the Black Shore Kingdom's side, especially since the Crystal Empire conquered Beru, a country that Grineva wishes to sink its teeth into. With Cican pirates raiding Grinevan shores, animosity will only continue to rise between the two powers as their armies will finally clash on Aerin shores.


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